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Simply Recipes: Chocolate Ganache Torte Recipe
| Recipes by Type Measurement Converter Shopping Alerts Contact (PC only) Powered by | Chocolate Ganache Torte Recipe Filed under This over-the-top chocolate torte flourless cake recipe comes here by way of my friend Rob Kent, who is famous among his friends for showing up at various birthday parties and special events bringing what is affectionately known as "Death by Chocolate" .. I can only handle eating a piece of Rob's Chocolate Ganache Torte once every few years.
Belgium: Belgian Chocolate Ganache Tart
Return to the Main Page globalgourmet.com , Gourmet Foods Gifts, Flowers, Wine Departments About Global Gourmet Return to the Main Page Copyright © 2006 Forkmedia LLC BELGIUM Belgian Chocolate Ganache Tart (Eenvoudige Chocolade Taart or Gateau Au Chocolat Simple) A serious tart and a serious dessert with the deep taste of chocolate that is not too sweet.. Pour in the chocolate ganache and bake in the preheated 375 degrees F oven until set, 12 to 15 minutes.
How to Make Chocolate Ganache - eHow.com
Clear Instructions on How To Do (just about) Everything Web eHow.com > How to Make Chocolate Ganache This is the classic topping for a Yule log.. For frosting, let ganache stand longer, until it is spreadable with a knife.. Tips: If ganache gets too thick, set the pan in a larger pan of hot water and stir until it is soft enough to spread.. The ganache will keep for three days at room temperature, or up to one week in the refrigerator.
Chocolate & Zucchini: Gâteau au Chocolat Aérien, Glacé Ganache
. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Newsletter to be updated once a month with news, announcements, and a digest of recent entries! Sponsor Food blogs French food blogs Cooking Other blogs Other links Donations If you enjoy this site and would like to support it, your contribution is greatly appreciated! | June 23, 2004 Gâteau au Chocolat Aérien, Glacé Ganache [Aerial Chocolate Cake, Ganache Glaze] This cake recipe comes from Trish Deseine's book -- much-liked and oft-mentioned around here, as I'm sure you've noticed.. I wanted a chocolate cake that would rise high enough to fill the cubic dessert containers prettily, and I wanted to glaze the servings with a dark chocolate ganache, to make them black and shiny.. This recipe fit the bill perfectly, and was absolutely scrumptious : the cake part is fluffy and moist, and the ganache glaze -- well, what can you expect of a ganache glaze but sheer sublimity? Incidently, this is what Camille chose to serve the jury members, to illustrate her point.. Toutes mes félicitations Camille! Gâteau au Chocolat Aérien, Glacé Ganache - 225 g sugar - 225 g butter, softened - 4 eggs - 225 g flour - 2 tsp baking powder - 4 Tbsp cocoa powder, diluted in 4 Tbsp hot water Ganache : - 100 g dark chocolate - 100 g whipping cream Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F).

Photo by www.aromathyme.com
Whipped Chocolate Ganache Filling (Or Frosting) Recipe ADVERTISEMENT - You are Here: > Whipped Chocolate Ganache Filling (or Frosting) Recipe Get our free newsletter : | Search: for — start your own online cookbook recipe by options Font: Times Arial Text Size: SmallMedium Large Include: Nutritional Facts Reviews Photo Above options require .. with these ingredients sponsored by on my meal plan What to Serve With This Recipe? Find: ADVERTISEMENT Whipped Chocolate Ganache Filling (or Frosting) Recipe #106954 This recipe makes a delicious and creamy ganache filling, that's light as air, not too-intense and will definitely bring you to chocolate heaven! It's also very easy to make, can be made ahead and you will NOT regret it.. Stir ganache gently until perfectly smooth, let cool.. Cover and chill for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight (it must be very cold or it will curdle when it's whipped; ganache can be made up to 4 days ahead).. When you're ready to assemble the cake (and NOT before), whip ganache until it's stiff enough to hold a nice shape and seems spreadable (Don't overwhip; overwhipped ganache looks granular, so watch carefully).
Chocolate Torte Recipe - joyofbaking.com
. It can be served with softly whipped cream or, for a more formal presentation and more intense chocolate flavor, covered with Ganache.. Ganache is a French term referring to a smooth mixture of hot cream that is poured over chopped chocolate.. A little butter is sometimes added to ensure the ganache stays shiny when refrigerated.. Prepare Ganache: For ease of handling invert cake onto a cake circle (available at cake decorating stores) or wire rack, so the bottom is now top, and refrigerate for one hour.. In this way if the chocolate ganache drips it will end up on the baking sheet, which makes clean up easier.. Using a cake spatula, cover the sides and top of the cake with about 2 tablespoons ganache.. If you have any air bubbles or crumbs in your ganache, pour glaze through a strainer.. Pour the remaining ganache into the center of the cake.. Working quickly, spread with a spatula, using big strokes to push the ganache over the sides of the cake, to create an even coating.
Chocolate Ganache Recipe
Store your favorite recipes for FREE! | Search Kraft: | Enter ingredients or recipe title: OR Search by meal occasion and recipe type Get FREE ideas and recipes e-mailed to you each week! Chocolate Ganache Prep Time: 5 min Total Time: 40 min Makes: 4 servings, 2 Tbsp.
Cupcake Bakeshop by Chockylit: Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache
. Saturday, February 25, 2006 Peanut Butter Filled Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache I warn you, do not eat these cupcakes without a tall glass of milk nearby.. peanut butter filling Chocolate Ganache 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate5 ounces semisweet chocolate1 cup heavy cream1 teaspoon vanilla1 tablespoon butter, room temperature2 cups powdered sugar 1.. Frost with ganache.5.. AMAZING!.....i have one question only: Did you use a one brand chocolate for the bittersweet & semisweet ganache recipe? said.... I am definitely going to try the alternatives mentioned.Latifa, You asked, 'Did you use a one brand chocolate for the bittersweet & semisweet ganache recipe?' That ganache recipe is something I made up, purely based on necessity.. Could I just use varlhona 64% for the ganache instead of semi AND bittersweet chocolate? And what is the difference between the both? said.... As far as the ganache recipe goes, I change my percentages all the time.. Chockylit, I tried your ganache recipe and I just coulfdn't get it to get any thick or fluffy, it was more like a chocolate sauce...

Photo by www.joyofbaking.com
Cupcake Bakeshop by Chockylit: Ginger-Cream Filled Pumpkin Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Frosting . Monday, October 31, 2005 Ginger-Cream Filled Pumpkin Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache Frosting I haven't really made pumpkin cupcakes before, but I have tasted a number of pumpkin muffins and have never really been very happy with them.. I topped half of them with ginger-cream for more of a breakfast treat and filled the other half with ginger-cream and topped them with chocolate ganache frosting.. whisking dry ingredients Chocolate Ganache Frosting 10 ounces bittersweet chocolate 4 ounces unsweetened chocolate 1-1/4 cup whipping cream 1/4 cup butter, room temperature2 cups powdered sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup whole milk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1.. They were a lot of work (I'm a wuss) and we had an inexplicably large amount of chocolate ganache and ginger cream left over - but..
The Vegan Chef - Vegan Chocolate Ganache - Vegan Recipes
. Use the ganache, warm, as a glaze for cakes or use as a dip or coating for fruit or nuts, or when cool, use as a filling for cakes and desserts.
Chocolate Ganache
Web EzineArticles.com Email Address: Your Name: Got an Ezine Marketing or Email Newsletter Question? ::/ Chocolate Ganache By Article Word Count: 454 Report This Article Report this article if you suspect it is not original content, is in violation of our Editorial Guidelines or our Author's Terms of Service.. If chocolate in and of itself weren’t good enough, someone had to go and add cream to the mix, creating the first chocolate ganache.. True ganache, however, involves the use of cream, giving the chocolate made from the process a truly heavenly taste.. Ganache in its best form is used as the base for truffles, cakes, mousse and more.. While it might seem making the chocolate formula for ganache would be a well-kept secret that’s hard to replicate, that’s simply not so.. Making ganache at home isn’t terribly tough if patience is applied and the maker is set for a possible failure or two at the start.. Ganache itself is simply a mixture of equal parts of cream and chocolate.
Chocolate Ganache Cake
Barb and Roland's guide to dining and cooking in Vancouver, BC, Canada established June 2000 Table of Contents Features Members Search VanEats Chocolate Ganache Cake Posted by, 6/19/00 at 11:01:40 PM.. Frangelico ½ package whipping cream stabilizer, like Whip-It Ganache Icing: 12 oz.. Ganache Icing: Place chocolate in a large mixing bowl.
Chocolate Ganache Recipe - Recipes by Tallyrand
. recipes, cooking, food, cooking holidays Cooking courses : powered by Recipes from a professional chef : Tallyrand Recipe • Chocolate Ganache • M & M .. A simple way of starting an expedition into this art form is mastering making what is called a 'ganache', in simplest terms this is one of the soft, creamy, chocolate fillings.. Roll into small balls, ovals or turn the ganache out onto a clean bench and shape into a thin rectangle and cut into small squares, rectangles, diamonds, etc or using small pastry cutters cut as required.. There are dipping utensils that can be picked up quite cheaply for this, that are made of wire, that allow the chocolate to fully envelope the ganache.. Melt an amount of chocolate <> Carefully rest the shaped or moulded ganache on a fork (do to try to spear it!) and using the second fork in the other hand guide it to the chocolate and immerse, while keeping it in the fork Remove and place on a sheet of silicon paper, mat or overhead projection sheet.
Zappas Poached Bosc Pear with Chocolate Ganache and Creme Anglaise Recipe | Z - Copy Cat Restaurant Recipes| Pear Desserts Recipes @ CDKitchen.com :: it's what's cooking online!
. Prepare ganache and creme anglaise.. Place cooled ganache in a mixer bowl and whip until light and fluffy.. Using a pastry bag, pipe ganache into the bottom of the pears, filling entire area.. Ganache: Chop chocolate into small pieces and place in a large bowl.. Chill until ganache is firm.. This recipe for Zappas Poached Bosc Pear with Chocolate Ganache and Creme Anglaise serves/makes 4.. Recipe URL: http://www.cdkitchen.com/recipes/recs/535/Zappas_Poached_Bosc_Pear_with_Chocolate_Ganache_and_Creme_Anglaise41874.shtmlRecipe ID: 20988 Change Servings: Please note: This is a copy cat recipe submitted to CDKitchen.
Low Carb Chocolate Ganache (for Truffles or Sauce)
You are here: >>> > > FREE Newsletter Sign Up Now for the Low Carb Diets newsletter! Search At a Glance Prep Time : 20min Course : Cookies and Candy, Dessert Special : Low Carb, Sugar-Free Related Articles and Recipes Special Ingredients and Where To Find Them Related Blogs Most Popular What's Hot Related Topics Low Carb Chocolate Ganache (for Truffles or Sauce) From, Your Guide to .. Traditionally, ganache is made with half chocolate and half cream.. This sugar free low carb chocolate ganache can be used to make truffles or a chocolate sauce, depending upon how much cream is in them.
Moonstruck Chocolate Truffle
. · Amaretto di Saronno ®· Italian amaretto mixed in a dark chocolate ganache, dipped in dark chocolate.. · Bailey's Irish Cream ®· Irish cream liqueur mixed in a milk chocolate ganache, dipped in milk chocolate.. · Champagne · Champagne & bittersweet ganaches, in an ivory chocolate coating, kissed with gold.. · Clear Creek Pear Brandy · Clear Creek Distiller's pear brandy mixed in a bittersweet ganache, in a bittersweet pear-shaped shell.. · Coconut Cream · Creamy coconut ganache in a dark chocolate shell.. · Grand Marnier · Bittersweet ganache, orange peel & Grand Marnier in a dark shell.. · Italia Cappuccino · The perfect cup of cappuccino and milk chocolate ganache in a milk chocolate shell.. · Italia Espresso · Espresso and bittersweet chocolate ganache in a dark chocolate shell.. · Milk Chocolate · Milk chocolate ganache dipped in milk chocolate, with a chocolate bow.
Chocolate Ganache, Chocolate Glaze, Cocoa Powder
C hocolate ganache (Soft) C hocolate glaze (Hard) L ow Fat Cocoa Powder (10-12% cocoa butter fat) H igh Fat Cocoa Powder (22-24% cocoa butter fat) Coat all your cakes or dip in your cookies and biscotti.... C hocolate Ganache (soft) Description White Chocolate Ganache Le Prestige#0906 Dark Chocolate Ganache LePrestige #0908-#0910 This ganache cream is ready to use.
Dark Chocolate Ganache
Dark Chocolate Ganache Max Brenner cooking with Luke Mangan For Dark Chocolate Ganache 1 litre cream 1.5 kilo dark chocolate For Milk Chocolate Ganache 1 litre cream 1 kilo of chocolate For White Chocolate Ganache 1 litre cream 2.5 kilos white chocolate Boil cream then remove from heat, chop chocolate then mix – (never use heat).
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