

1  -Duranti M., Faoro F., Harris N.

Immunocytochemical localization of conglutin gamma and legumin-like globulin in developing and mature seeds of  Lupinus albus L.. Protoplasma, 161, 104-110, 1991.


2  -Faoro F., Tornaghi R.., Belli G.

Localization  of closteroviruses  on grapevine thin sections and their identification by immunogold labelling. J. Phytopathology, 133 , 297-306, 1991.


3 -Duranti M., Rieppi M., Faoro F.

Biochemical and immunocytochemical localization of a BAPAase in developing and mature lupin cotyledons.  Protoplasma, 176, 17- 23, 1993.


4  -Duranti M., Faoro F., Harris N.

The unusual extracellular localization of conglutin  in germinating  Lupinus albus seeds  rules out its role as storage protein. J. Plant Physiol., 143,711-716, 1994.


5 -Duranti M., Scarafoni A., Gius C., Negri A., Faoro F.

Heat-induced synthesis and tunicamycin-sensitive secretion of the putative storage glycoprotein conglutin   from mature lupin seeds. European J. Biochemistry, 222, 387-393, 1994.


6  -Faoro F.

Cytopathology of Closteroviruses and  Trichoviruses Infecting Grapevines; in P.L. Monette (editor), Filamentous viruses of woody plants, Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India, 1996.


7 -Duranti M., Ferrari F., Gius C., Carzaniga R., Faoro F.

Biochemical and immunocytochemical identification of conglutin g, a lupin seed lectin, in the roots of early germinating seedlings. Protoplasma, 194, 208-214, 1996.


8 - Pedrazzini E., Giovinazzo G., Bielli A. de Virgilio M., Frigerio L., Pesca M., Faoro F., Bollini R., Ceriotti A., Vitale A.

Protein quality control along the route to the plant vacuole. The Plant Cell, 9, 1869-1880, 1997.


9 - Giani S., Xiaoqiong Q., Faoro F., Breviario D.

In rice, Oryzalin and abscisic acid differentially affect tubulin mRNA and protein levels. Planta, 205, 334-341, 1998.


10- Frigerio L., Devirgilio M., Prada A., Faoro F., Vitale A.

Sorting of phaseolin to the vacuole is saturable and requires a short C-terminal peptide. The Plant Cell, 10, 1031-1042, 1998.


11 -Faoro F., Sparvoli F., Ceriotti A. and Bollini R.

Identification of newly-synthesised precursor of lectin-related proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum of developing lima bean seeds. In: Effects of antinutrients  on the nutritional value of legume diets, E. Carnovale ed.,  Cost 98, 7, 85-89, 1999.


12 -Vercesi A., Faoro F., Sant S., Burruano S.

A cytological and  ultrastructural study on oospores of Plasmopara viticola Berk. et Curt. (Berl. et  De Toni).  Mycological Research, 103 (2), 193-202,  1999.


13 – Faoro F.

New natural remedies for plant ilnesses. CNR Report 1999, 


14 – Locatelli F., Bracale M., Magaraggia F., Faoro F., Manzocchi L.A., Coraggio I.

The product of the rice myb7 unspliced mRNA dimerizes with the maize leucine zipper Opaque2 and stimulates its activity in a transient expression assay.  J. Biol. Chem., 275, 17619-17625, 2000.


15 - Sparvoli F., Faoro F., Daminati M.G., Ceriotti A., Bollini R.

Misfolding and aggregation of vacuolar glycoproteins in plant cells. Plant J.,24, 825-836, 2000




(in ordine cronologico)



1 -Faoro F.

Descrizione di un  metodo di fissazione per batteri particolarmente utile per l'allestimento di sezioni ultrasottili di Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. Ann. Microbiol., 25, 101-110, 1975.


2 -Amici A., Faoro F., Tornaghi R.

Subcellular location in different hosts of the virus causing the giallume" disease of Oryza sativa. Il Riso, 24, 353-358, 1975.


3 -Osler R., Faoro  F., Belli G.

Prove preliminari di lotta contro il vettore del giallume del riso.

Il Riso, 25, 59-63, 1977.


4 -Osler R., Faoro F.

Il mosaico comune del fagiolo in Trentino. Terra Trentina, 4, 30-33, 1977.


5 -Amici. A., Faoro F., Tornaghi R.

Further data on hexagonal structures in sieve tubes of apple trees . Riv. Pat. Veg., 13, 95-101, 1977.


6 - Faoro F., Amici. A., Tornaghi.R.

 Cellular ultrastructural alterations as a means of  characterizing the “giallume “ disease of rice. J.Submicr.Cytol., 10, 126-127,1978 .          .


7 -Amici A., Faoro F., Tornaghi R.

Natural occurrence of rhabdovirus-like particles in thin sections of different plant species. Riv. Pat. Veg., 14, 85-98, 1978.


8 -Amici A., Faoro F., Osler R., Tornaghi R.

The "giallume" disease of rice in Italy: new natural hosts of the viral agent, a strain of barley yellow dwarf virus.  Riv. Pat. Veg.,14, 127-135, 1978.


9 -Amici A., Faoro F., Tornaghi R.

Intracellular crystallization in roots of Leersia oryzoides of a strain of barley yellow dwarf virus. Micron, 10, 5-12, 1979.


10 -Faoro F.

Ultrastructural aspects of the infection of a possible  caulimovirus in Ranunculus sp.. Ultramicroscopy, 5, 424-425, 1980.


11 -Faoro F., Amici A.

Observations  on the  phloem  ultrastructures  of some gramineae. Caryologia, 33, 111-115, 1980.


12 -Amici A., Faoro F.

Occurrence in Northern Italy  of a  filamentous virus  resembling wheat yellow leaf virus (WYLV). Riv. Pat. Veg., 16, 9-13, 1980


13 -Belli , Faoro F., Fortusini A., Vegetti . G.

Isometric particles associated with corky bark and legno riccio in grapevine. Proc.  7th Internat. Council for the  Study of Viruses and Virus-like Diseases of Grapevine, Niagara Falls, Canada,198O, 77-80.


14 -Faoro F., Tornaghi  R. Fortusini A, Belli G.

 Association of a possible closterovirus with grapevine leafroll in Northern Italy. Riv. Patol. Veg., 17, 183-189, 1981.


15 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R.

Subcellular location of a barley yellow dwarf strain in the intestinal epithelium of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi. Caryologia, 35 155-156, 1982.


16 -Faoro F., Short M., Tornaghi R..

Tobacco rosette disease: an ultrastructural study. Micron, 13, 399-407, 1982.


17 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R.

Effects of simultaneous fixation with glutaraldehyde, picric acid and osmium tetroxide on P-proteins in Vitis vinifera. Caryologia, 35, 372-373, 1982.


18 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R..

Plasmodesmata alterations in phloem cells infected with a phloem-dependent virus. Giorn. Bot. Ital., 117, 188-190, 1983.


19 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R.

Cytochemical identification of callose deposits around plasmodesmata of virus-infected phloem cells. Ultramicroscopy, 12, 162-163, 1983.


20 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R..

Alterazioni citologiche in piante di Nicotiana tabacum L. infette da "tobacco mottle virus". Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche 1984, 3, 385-392, 1984.


21 -Faoro F., Farina G.., Tornaghi R., Betto E.

Histological aspects of the infection of a Colletotrichum lindemuthianum - compatible race  on IAA-treated hypocotyls of Phaseolus vulgaris. Giorn. Bot. Ital., 118, 97-99, 1984.


22 - Belli G., Faoro F., Fortusini A., Tornaghi R.

Further data on grapevine leafroll etiology. Phytopath. medit., 24 148-151, 1985.


23 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R.

Il cloruro stannoso  come mezzo per migliorare  il contrasto delle sezioni ultrasottili. Microscopia elettronica, 6(2), 25, 1985.


24 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R.

Effect of isolation and fixation procedures on grape callus protoplast ultrastructures. Giorn. Bot. Ital., 120, 90-92, 1986.


25 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R. , Coraggio I., Martegani E., Viotti A. Immunocytochemical localization of zein protein bodies in transformed yeast cells. Atti XVI Cong. Soc. Ital. Microscopia Elettronica, Bologna 1987, 73-74.


26 -Fumi D. Trioli G. Silva A., Faoro F.

Autolisi di Saccharomyces cerevisiae in vini spumantizzati in bottiglia: uno studio biochimico ultrastrutturale. Ind. bevande, 16 (5), 340-344, 1987.


27 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R.., Belli G..

Immunocytochemical localization of closteroviruses in Vitis vinifera. Abs. 5th Int.Congress of Plant Pathology, Kyoto, Japan, 1988, 2-94.


28 -Basso B., Bernard L., Coraggio I., Faoro F., Viotti A. Yeast as an "in vivo" system  to approach the biological function of zein polypeptide domains.Giorn. Bot. Ital., 122 (suppl.2), 100 1988.


29 -Coraggio I., Martegani E., Compagno C., Porro D., Alberghina L., Bernard L., Faoro F., Viotti A.

Differential  targeting  and accumulation of normal and modified zein polypeptides in transformed yeast. E. J. Cell Biol., 47,165 -172, 1988.


30 -Basso B., Coraggio I., Bernard L., Faoro F., Viotti A. Functional analysis of zein polypeptide domains tested in transformed S.cerevisiae cells. European Workshop on Plant Biotechnology, Bad Soden, (Germany, 1989, 115-117.


31 -Viotti A., Basso B., Bianchi M.W., Quattrocchio F., Sparvoli F., Bernard L., Faoro F.

Regulatory signals in coding and flanking regions of maize zein genes 810. Abs. Sardinia Symposium on Advances in Biotechnology Control of Gene Expression, Alghero, 1989, 108.


32 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R., Fortusini A.

Cytological alterations associated with closterovirus serotype III (GLRaV-III) in leafroll-diseased grapevines Abs. Int. Symposium on Electron Microscopy Applied in Plant Pathology, Konstanz, Germany, 1989, 47.


33 -Basso B.., Bernard L., Faoro F., Ceciliani F., Viotti A. Expression of engineered polypeptides in yeast as an indication for the biological function of the  various zein domains. Nato Febs Adv. Course in Plant Molecular Biology, Schloss Elman, Germany, 1990, 23.


34 -Faoro F., Marani F.

Coltura di tessuti e protoplasti in virologia vegetale. Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche 1990, 3, 25-102.


35 -Fumi D., Trioli G.., Silva A., Battistotti G., Ragg E., Faoro F. Studio del metabolismo di lieviti immobilizzati mediante spettroscopia a risonanza magnetica nucleare. Ind. bevande, 19,  394-405, 1990.


36 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R., Belli G.. Different approaches to the identification of grapevine leafroll associated closteroviruses on thin sections of Vitis vinifera. 10th Int. Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus Diseases of Grapevines, Volos, Greece, 1990, 239-242.


37 -Quaroni S., Saracchi M., Tornaghi R., Faoro F.

A comparative scanning and transmission electron microscope study for the detection of mycoplasma-like organisms. Riv.Pat.Veg., 26, 79-84, 1990.


38 -Duranti M., Faoro F., Harris N.

Immunocytochemical localization of conglutin gamma and legumin-like globulin in developing and mature seeds of  Lupinus albus L.. Protoplasma, 161, 104-110, 1991.


39 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R.., Belli G.

Localization  of closteroviruses  on grapevine thin sections and their identification by immunogold labelling. J. Phytopathology, 133 , 297-306, 1991.


40 -Carzaniga R.., Faoro F., Tornaghi R., Farina G.

 Immunocytochemical localization of tetraconazole in Ustilago maydis (DC) Corda. Giorn. Bot. Ital., 125, 973-75, 1991


41 -Vercesi A., Faoro F., Tornaghi R..

Preliminary investigations on the ultrastructure of Plasmopara viticola oospores. Giorn. Bot. Ital., 125,1012-13  1991.


42 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R..

Closteroviruses and P-proteins in Vitis vinifera: means of discrimination. Giorn. Bot. Ital., 125, 998-999, 1991.


43 -Carzaniga R., Faoro F., Farina G. Gozzo F.

Effects of tetraconazole on sporidia of Ustilago maydis. I. A morphological study. Riv. Pat. Veg., S.V, 1, 31-41,1991.


44 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R., Belli G..

Vesiculation of mitochondria associated with  grapevine phloem-limited viruses. Electron Microscopy, 3, 431-432, 1992.


45 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R., Cinquanta S. Belli G.. Cytopathology of grapevine leafroll associated virus III (GLRaVIII). Riv. Pat. Veg., S.V, 2, 67-83, 1992.


46 -Violini G., Maffi D., Conti G.G., Faoro F., Tornaghi R.. Damage by ambient ozone to bean leaves. Histological, histochemical and ultrastructural observations. Riv. Pat. Veg., S.V, 2, 91 -110, 1992.


47 -Duranti M., Rieppi M., Faoro F.

Biochemical and immunocytochemical localization of a BAPAase in developing and mature lupin cotyledons.  Protoplasma, 176, 17- 23, 1993.


48 -Bollini R., Faoro F., Tornaghi R., Vitale A., Ceriotti A. Bean seed lectin-like protein: intracellular transport and localization. In: Lectins Biology, Biochemistry, Clinical Biochemistry, Vol. 8, Hellerup Textop Eds., Denmark, 1993, pp. 105-109.


49 -Burruano S., Conigliaro G., Faoro F., Tornaghi R., Vercesi A. Dormant and germinating oospores of Plasmopara viticola: a cytological and ultrastructural study. Abs. Int. Congress of Plant Pathology, Montreal, Canada, 1993, p. 142.


50 -Carzaniga R., Faoro F., Farina G..

Subcellular localization of a triazole in fungal cells by immunogold labeling. Abs. Int. Congress of Plant Pathology,  Montreal, Canada, 1993, p. 89.


51 -Faoro F., Tornaghi R. Gugerli P.

Cytopathology of grapevine leafroll-associated virus I (GLRaV-I).  11th Int. Council for the Study of Viruses and Virus Diseases of Grapevine, Montreux, Switzerland, 1993, pp. 19-20.


52 -Carzaniga R., Faoro F., Farina G..

Effects of tetraconazole on sporidia of  Ustilago maydis.  Il. An ultrastructural study. Riv. Pat. Veg., S.V, 3, 91-103, 1993.


53 -Bertaccini A., Boscia D., Faoro F., Minafra A.

Metodi di diagnosi delle malattie da virus viroidi e micoplasmi della vite. Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche 1994, Montesilvano(PE), 2, 281-294.


54 -Duranti M., Scarafoni A., Gius C., Negri A., Faoro F.

 Heat-induced synthesis and tunicamycin-sensitive secretion of the putative storage glycoprotein conglutin   from mature lupin seeds. European J. Biochemistry, 222, 387-393, 1994.


55 -Vitale A., Pedrazzini E., Bielli A.,Giovinazzo G., Faoro F., Bollini R., Ceriotti A.

Protein folding  and assembly  in the endoplasmic reticulum. Abs 4th Int. Cong. of Plant Molecular Biology, Amsterdam, 1994, 1203.


56 -Pedrazzini E., Giovinazzo A., Faoro F., Bollini R., Ceriotti A., Vitale A.

Cell biology of wild type and assembly-defective Phaseolin in leaves of transgenic plant. Abs. 4th Int. Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Amsterdam, 1994, 1237.


57 -Duranti M., Faoro F., Harris N.

The unusual extracellular localization of conglutin  in germinating  Lupinus albus seeds  rules out its role as storage protein. J. Plant Physiol., 143,711-716, 1994.


58 -Lazzari B., Ciceri P., Carzaniga R., Genga A., Faoro F., Viotti A.

Molecular characterization of o2T: a mutant allele at the Opaque-2 locus of Zea mays. Maize genetics cooperation newsletter,  69, 102, 1995.


59 -Genga A. Carzaniga R., Lazzari B., Faoro F., Viotti A..

Zein expression is not restricted to endosperm tissue. Maize genetics cooperations newsletter, 69, 102, 1995.


60 -Lazzari B., Ciceri P, Carzaniga R., Bernard L., Faoro F., Viotti A.

Classification of mutants at the maize Opaque-2 locus and sequence analysis of the o2T allele. 3rd Maize European Network Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 35, 1995.


61 -Lazzari B., Ciceri P, Bernard L., Carzaniga R.,Faoro F., Viotti A.

Caratterizzazione molecolare ed analisi di sequenza dell’allele o2T: un mutante spontaneo al locus Opaco-2 di Zea mays. Atti Convegno Congiunto ABCD, AGI, SIBBM  e SIMGBM, Montesilvano, PE, 105, 1995.


62 -Pedrazzini E., Bielli A., Giovinazzo G., de Virgilio M., Faoro F.

Biologia cellulare di una proteina difettiva nell’assemblaggio espressa in tabacco transgenico.  Atti Convegno Congiunto ABCD, AGI, SIBBM, SIMGBM, Montesilvano, PE,  70, 1995.


63 -Faoro F., Carzaniga R.

Impiego di RNasi coniugata con oro colloidale nella localizzazione di clostero e trichovirus in sezioni ultrasottili di Virtis vinifera. Atti XX Congresso SIME, Rimini, 319-320, 1995.


64 -Faoro F., Carzaniga R.

Vesiculated mitochondria induced by grapevine leafroll-associated closteroviruses. A cytochemical and immunocytochemical study. Royal Microscopical Society, 30 (1), 32, 1995.


65 -Faoro F., Carzaniga R.

Cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry of the inclusion bodies induced by grapevine leafroll-associated closteroviruses GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-3. Riv. Pat. Veg., S. V, 5, 85-94, 1995.


66 -Duranti M., Ferrari F., Gius C., Carzaniga R., Faoro F.

Biochemical and immunocytochemical identification of conglutin g, a lupin seed lectin, in the roots of early germinating seedlings.  Protoplasma, 194, 208-214, 1996.


67 -Faoro F.

Cytopathology of Closteroviruses and  Trichoviruses Infecting Grapevines; in Recent Research Development in Plant Pathology - filamentous viruses of woody plants, David Vesely ed., 1997, Research Signpost, India; in press.


68 -Sparvoli F., Faoro F., Daminati M.G., Bollini R.

Ruolo della glicosilazione nel trasporto delle maggiori glicoproteine di riserva del seme del fagiolo di Lima (Phaseolus lunatus). Abs. Atti XV Convegno S.I.G.A.,  18-21 sett. 1996, 70.


69 -Castellano M.A., Faoro F., Martelli G.P.

Citopatologia dei virus floematici della vite. In: Virus floematici e malattie della vite, G. Martelli, V. Savino, M. Digiaro ed., Progetto Finalizzato RAISA, Locorotondo, 3-4 ottobre 1996, 165-187.


70 -Piagnani C., Faoro F., Sant S., Vercesi A.

Growth and ultrastructural modifications to chestnut calli induced by culture filtrates of virulent and hypovirulent Cryphonectria parasitica strains. Eur. J. For. Path., 27, 23-32, 1997.


71 - Ceriotti A., Lupattelli F., Pedrazzini E., Sparvoli F., Faoro F., Bollini R., Vitale A.

Protein folding in the ER, an in vitro system based on plant components. Abs. Int. Conference on The plant secretory system: mechanisms, pathways and applications in biotechnology,  York 2-5 July 1997, S5.


72 - Sparvoli F., Ceriotti A., Faoro F., Bollini R.

 Inhibition of glycosilation prevents the transport of phaseolin and lectin.-related  glycoproteins outside the endoplasmic reticulum of developing lima beans (Phaselus lunatus) cotyledons. Abs. Int. Conference on The plant secretory system: mechanisms, pathways and applications in biotechnology,  York 2-5 July 1997, P50.


73 - Pedrazzini E., Giovinazzo G., Bielli A. de Virgilio M., Frigerio L., Pesca M., Faoro F., Bollini R., Ceriotti A., Vitale A.

Protein quality control along the route to the plant vacuole. The Plant Cell, 9, 1869-1880, 1997.


74 - Giani S., Xiaoqiong Q., Faoro F., Breviario D.

In rice, Oryzalin and abscisic acid differentially affect tubulin mRNA and protei levels. Planta, 205, 334-341, 1998.


75- Frigerio L., Devirgilio M., Prada A., Faoro F., Vitale A.

Sorting of phaseolin to the vacuole is saturable and requires a short C-terminal peptide. The Plant Cell, 10, 1031-1042, 1998.


76 - Faoro F.  Sant S.

 Grapevine phloem-limited viruses induce vesiculation of a specific cell organelle. Electron Microscopy 1998, IV, 83-84, 1998.


77- Vercesi A., Vavassori A., Faoro F., Bisiach M.

Effect of azoxystrobin on the oospores of Plasmopara viticola. Abs 7th Internat. Congress of Plant Pathology, 5.5.12, Edimburgh, 9-16 Aug. 1998.


78 -Faoro F., Sparvoli F., Ceriotti A. and Bollini R.

Identification of newly-synthesised precursor of lectin-related proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum of developing lima bean seeds. In: Effects of antinutrients  on the nutritional value of legume diets, E. Carnovale ed.,  Cost 98, 7, 85-89, 1999.


79 -Vercesi A., Faoro F., Sant S., Burruano S.

 A cytological and  ultrastructural study on oospores of Plasmopara viticola Berk. et Curt. (Berl. et  De Toni).  Mycological Research, 103 (2), 193-202,  1999.


80- Piagnani C., Vercesi A., Faoro F., Assante G.

Effect of C.parasitica  vir and hypo strains culture extracts on growth of chestnut calli: a progress report. Proc. COST ACTION G4, Torre Pelice, TO, 18-21 june 1997, in press.


81- Faoro F., Sant S., Sparvoli F., Ceriotti A. , Bollini R.

Altered intracellular trafficking of unglycosylated Lima bean Lectin-related proteins: an ultrastructural and immunocytochemical study. Abs. 6th Internat. Botanical Microscopy Meeting, St. Andrews, Scotland, 25-29 march 1999.


82 – Faoro F.

New natural remedies for plant ilnesses. CNR Report 1999,   


83 –Appiano A., Caciagli P., Dore B., S. Monelli S., Faoro F.

Histochemical and cytochemical investigations on the virus-vector system tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus-Bemisia tabaci . Abs. 9th Conference of the ISHS,  Petria, 9 (3), 311, 1999.


84 – Faoro F., Scattini G., Sant S., Gugerli P.

UIGV and GLRaV-1 interactions in mixed infection of grapevine. XIIIth ICVG, Adelaide, Australia , March 2000, 80-81


85 – Faoro F.

Interazioni virus-pianta ospite. Atti Tavola rotonda Riunione Gruppi Biologia Cellulare e Biotecnologie Società Botanica Italiana, Pavia, Giugno 2000, pp. 42.


86 –Vercesi A., Burruano S., Faoro F., Liberati D., Sancassani G.P.

Nuove acquisizioni sulla biologia di Plasmopara viticola. L’Informatore Agrario, 15, 75-78, 2000-07-31


87 – Locatelli F., Bracale M., Magaraggia F., Faoro F., Manzocchi L.A., Coraggio I.

The product of the rice myb7 unspliced mRNA dimerizes with the maize leucine zipper Opaque2 and stimulates its activity in a transient expression assay.  J. Biol. Chem., 275, 17619-17625, 2000.


88 - Sparvoli F., Faoro F., Daminati M.G., Ceriotti A., Bollini R.

Misfolding and aggregation of vacuolar glycoproteins in plant cells. Plant J.,24, 825-836, 2000