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Marking its territory The Star Online
The opening of Tod’s flagship store in Asia in September certainly shows that the brand is intent on making its presence felt in the region.
Tim Atkin: My wines of the year Guardian Unlimited
For the past 12 months, he's been methodically tasting more than 200 wines a week. A toothstaining act of selfless heroism which means Tim Atkin is now able to give us his top picks of 2006.
My wines of the year The Observer
Like an alcoholic version of TS Eliot's J Alfred Prufrock, I have measured out my life with spittoons. I reckon I taste 10,000 wines in the course of the year, some of them memorable, many of them ordinary, a few undrinkable.
The Press Republican - Plattsburgh, NY Plattsburgh Press Republican
SARANAC — Maine invader Noble Academy has assembled another strong lineup to defend its title today in the 10th-Annual Saranac Early Bird Wrestling Tournament. Noble has four top seeds and three No. 2 seeds.
High School Honor Rolls Salisbury Post
The following students have been named to A-average honor rolls for the first quarter at the five Rowan-Salisbury high schools. All had 4.0 or better averages in each subject on the weighted grading system.
Education briefs Salisbury Post
The East Rowan JROTC Rifle A-team took first place at the recent South Rowan rifle meet. Cadet Dustin Tanner was top shooter overall, followed by Callie Livengood, who finished second place overall, and Cadet David Chappell, who shot fourth in the meet.

:: STUDIO GIRELLI - studio commercialisti associati ::
Studio Girelli, studio di commercialisti associati, svolge bilandi, contabilità e controllo dei conti, Consulenza societaria ed amministrativa Consulenza
Carlo Girelli
Home page di Carlo Girelli, programmazione, fotografia, video, giochi.
Casa Girelli
CASAGIRELLI S.p.A. - Viale Verona 182 - 38100 Trento - Italy Phone +39 0461.380.800 - Fax +39 0461.380.846, PRIVACY.
Casa Girelli
Three generations of the Girelli family have had the same vocation: winemaking. Passion for this ancient tradition has been handed down from father to son.
Villa Girelli
Gli orari della ludoteca di Villa Girelli sono dal martedì al sabato dalle ore 15.00 La ludoteca si trova all’interno del parco di Villa Girelli in un
Villa Girelli
Il Centro di Villa Girelli si trova sulla collina di Montenavale ad Ivrea (TO). Nella struttura in muratura denominata “Villa Girelli”, sono dislocati
Giocattoli per neonati ,Girelli su Buycentral
Tutte le offerte per Giocattoli per neonati ,Girelli su BuyCentral.
Paolo Girelli
La scheda di Paolo Girelli su TrovaCinema, la filmografia dettagliata di Paolo Girelli, con i titoli dei film interpretati da Paolo Girelli, la biografia e
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