Father Damiano of Cingoli


Fr. Damiano was born on May 6, 1875 in Piammartino of Cingoli (MC) in a very poor family and was educated to christian life by his mother. As an adolescent he wants to become “a penitential friar of prayer”, aware of “how much one has to suffer” to identify with the Crucified Christ. At seventeen he vests as a capuchin.

Ordained priest, he is sought as an extraordinary confessor and spiritual guide in seminaries and parishes: he strengthens the vocation of those aspiring to religious life, transmits hope and commitment to interior life to those who seek him.

As a penitent capuchin who leads a life of austere poverty and fervent contemplative prayer, he unites his spiritual gifts to an intense apostolate exercised in the confessional, visiting families, the poor, the sick and those in prison.

He resides in Cingoli, Fermo, Jesi, Camerino,Cagli, Santa Vittoria, Fossombrone, Montegiorgio and Macerata. Everywhere he goes he lives as an authentic follower of Saint Francis, in hard work, humility and being the least. Deeply devout of the Blessed Sacrament and the Virgin Mary, the Lord blesses his journey on earth with ecstasies, prophecies, and healings.

He dies renowned for his sanctity on August 23, 1936. His body was exhumed in 1941 and found uncorrupted: it lies in the cemetery of Macerata (burial place 1671). Many devout people pray on his tomb full of hope, and obtain comfort and graces.