

Oh God our Father, you who have called the young Damiano to a life of poverty in his family, and have directed him to his religious vocation as a capuchin by accepting his desire to be a "penitential friar of prayer", grant us the grace to be able to appreciate the same values in our own state and condition.

Our Father and Glory.

Oh Jesus, God Son and our brother, Father Damiano always adored and contemplated you on the Cross and in the Eucharist, prayed you as Son in the Holy Family, rigorously followed you in poverty and penance imitating your faithful Saint Francis, let us rediscover the same ideals for a journey of conversion.

Our Father and Glory.


Oh God Holy Spirit, you who have blessed Father Damiano with your gifts, and made him an extraordinary apostle of the sacrament of Reconciliation, and an able guide of souls looking for perfection, let us, with his help, proceed with determination on the way to sanctity.

Our Father and Glory.


Oh Holy Virgin, Mother of God, you who, together with your Spouse Joseph, have been constantly invoked by Father Damiano, and have lovingly assisted him all his life, making him an effective intermediary of spiritual and material graces for all those he met on his journey, intercede upon the Holy Trinity that his memory may be honored by being glorified by the Holy Church.

We implore his protection and assistance to obtain the grace dear to our hearts…

Hail Mary (three times).





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