
Site has moved

Warning, all new rubrica and libral's versions will be found here:
New rubrica home page:
Download rubrica:
New Libral home page:
Download libral:

The last stable release of Rubrica (source, rpm packages) is 1.0.13, released on 11/13/2004.

The last delevopment release of Rubrica (source) is 1.1.50, released on 12/4/2003.
The old packages

Libraries required

To compile rubrica 2, (see screenshots), you need the Gnome2 libraries. I have builded last rubrica versions (unstable) on Red Hat 9.0 and (stable) on Fedora Core 2

LIBRAL - Rubrica Addressbook Library

Rubrica's engine has been rewritten and moved in an external library (LibRAL). All new rubrica versions (1.2.x series, and later) will use this library. LibRAL is released under the term of GNU GPL 2.0.

libral-0.35.0.tar.bz2 first public releasese (please test, and report bugs).

Bugs and crashes

tell me about bugs crashes and suggestion to improve rubrica.


see the devel release screenshots

rubrica-1.1.50.tar.bz2 released on 12/04/2003

Stable packages

Source -- tar.bz2

rubrica-1.0.13.tar.bz2 released 11/13/2004

rubrica-1.0.12.tar.bz2 released 02/25/2004

Binary RedHat -- rpm

rubrica-1.0.13-1.i386.rpm    md5sum: b0034dc80b63c93f50f8a75ed047bd50

rubrica-1.0.12-1.i386.rpm    md5sum: 9b597960d7e93f57ce5bb863f8dadfd8

Binary Fedora -- rpm

You can get Fedora Core 1 packages, Red Hat 8.0, Red Hat 9.0, Red Hat el3.0 packages from Thanks to Dag Wiers

Binary Debian -- deb

Rubrica has been packed on Debian, thanks to Sebastien Bacher
Debian packages for rubrica can be donwloaded here

Package Tracking System (PTS) for Rubrica is here:


Rubrica has been packed for Slackware, thanks to Lorys
You can download the rubrica port for Slackware from here

Binary FreeBsd

Rubrica has been packed on FreeBsd, thanks to Martin Klaffenboeck
You can download the rubrica port for FreeBsd from

ALT Linux

You can get Rubrica's packeges for ALT Linux from here

Supported Languages

Help me, download the rubrica's source package, translate in your language the rubrica.pot file (see under /po directory), and send to me.


This is an incomplete and temporary list of Rubrica's contributors.
contacts got from march 2 2001

Copyright © 2001 Nicola Fragale.