Free shells:

Linku Sherbimet
BSDshell  SSH login, POP3 mail ,IRC clients
DeathRow OpenVMS...  Full access...
DucTape  Secure Shell,Personal Webpage,IRC
Experience-shells  FTP access. Webspace,IRC,IPv6
Full-house  FTP,Domain hosting Domain reg 
M-net  Telnet, ftp,IRC,BitchX
Monkey Town  Eggdrop, ircd, MUD or bnc allowed.
Polarfox@home  FTP access,webspace,POP3/IMAP 
Rootshell  Internet Relay Chat (IRC),No Bot
ShellYeah  Provides access to IRC,eggdrops
The Forest  Connect via SSH2 only.irc access
Titanix ircd,irc access,eggdrop,jo bouncer register direkt me ssh..irc eggdrop
Iprotection Bot irc...webspace..e-mail
Public Linux  SSH,telnet,BitchX,rlogin, whois,IRC