----- No Name - Role Reversal by Steven M. Wagner ----- From: Steve Wagner Date: Sun, 19 Apr 1998 23:45:06 -0400 Subject: [atxc] - No Name II Title - No Name 2 - Role Reversal Author - Steven M. Wagner E-Mail address - wagnersm@mindspring.com Finished - 17 April 1998 Rating - NR Category - SA Keywords - Alternate Universe Archive - Yes Spoiler - None Summary - Scully buys Mulder to save him. Disclaimer - This is a fiction story based on the characters created by Chris Carter. No infringement of copyrights held by 10/13 Productions, Twentieth Century Productions, or Fox Broadcasting is intended. All unrecognized characters and plot- lines belong to me. Names, characters, and places exist solely within my imagination, or are used fictitiously. No connection to any person, living or dead, is intended, and any resemblance is entirely coincidental. Feel free to distribute, but please keep me as the author. Author's note - This is a story where some fairly nasty ideas are considered. Slavery, rape, assault, are events referenced, but nothing is seen or described. The reader is forewarned. This story is an attempt to look at the world of "No Name" and consider what might happen if Mulder is the one enslaved and Scully is the one who buys him. ---------------------------------------------------------------- No Name - Role Reversal by Steve Wagner "Miss Leone," a woman's low voice intruded on Dana Scully's thoughts. Scully looked over at the brunette and nodded. "Follow me then." Scully kept her eyes open at the sights around her as she and her bodyguard was led to their seats. The room looked like an elegant 40's nightclub, right out of an old Film Noir. Soft, shadowless lighting illuminated two levels of small tables and chairs. The people sitting and standing were equally elegant, dressed, like Scully, in long cocktail gowns and tuxedos. And in front a stage just like the nightclub, but she knew that there would be no touch singer in a sequined dress singing for their entertainment there tonight. "Your table," the brunette said. Scully sat down and ordered a split of champagne. "Cigars, Cigarettes, Cigars, Cigarettes," a tenor voice was heard. Scully turned and looked. And smiled, despite the situation. Her parents had taken her and Missy to a European club where they still had the gowned woman selling tobacco, gum, and other small items. But with a difference, instead of a young woman with a tray, it is a man clad in nothing but a loin cloth. Waving him over, she bought a pack, and shook one out. "A light," a smooth voice said. Scully looked over at the voice. she thought. It was a man called only the 'Salesman'. She had seen a few grainy pictures of the man, now she was going to meet him in person. He made quite a good living selling slaves. And now he was to sell her partner. "Miss Leone, I have not seen you here," he said bending down to light Scully's cigarette. "My first time, Mister...?" she asked blowing out a stream of smoke. "Quisling. Vidkun Quisling." He bent his head to the Zippo flame lighting a corona. "Comfortable, my dear?" he asked, puffing the cigar to life. "Very, Mr Quisling. I'm just waiting for the auction." "Ah," he said, taking a glance at the bodyguard. "Adding a stud to your harem?" Scully thought. Her mind went for a second, thinking of the pleasure she would have doing a autopsy on this man. One while he was still breathing and aware. "No," she said, her eyes looking at his over the rim of her champagne glass. "I broke my toy, so I came to by a new one," she said, her tongue coming out just enough to moisten her lips. "And tall, dark, and handsome here?" Quisling asked, eyes glancing over at Scully's tuxedoed companion. "A body guard, you know how dangerous the streets can be." she thought. And at the Quisling's unspoken question, "I don't mix business with pleasure. Handsome is a bodyguard." Scully didn't have to see Charles Farragut's smile to know how cold it was. Quisling's nervous throat clearing told her all she needed to know. "Err. That's always a sound policy. Enjoy the auction, we have some beauties tonight," Quisling said, standing straight. "I am certain that I shall. And that I'll come back soon." A brief bow, and he left. Farragut took a second to think how disemboweling Quisling would improve Farragut's opinion of the slaver. Dana had came to the ex-FBI Section Chief asking him for help to rescue Mulder. He was fine with that. He had always liked Mulder and Scully and was willing to help out an old lover. And he knew that if Mulder could get sold, anybody could. If her plan went bad, he'd rather put a bullet in Dana's head, than let her go on the block. --------------------------------------------------------------- Bang! The gavel came down. "Lot number 1121. 35 year old male," the auctioneer said. Scully held back in the crowd, her red hair and blue eyes hidden by hair dye and contacts. She didn't want to push her luck and be found out. She might end up on the block herself. The Consortium had framed Mulder and had him sentenced to involuntary servitude, slavery in other words. And Scully was there to buy him. Then take him out of the country far away from all this. A hush went over the crowd as Lot number 1121 was led out. It was Mulder all right. He looked all right considering the months of captivity, she thought. The bidding started, and a few seconds latter, Scully now owned one Fox William Mulder, late of the FBI. "Wait here," a staff member told Scully. "I'll go collect your purchase." Scully shuddered for a moment, She briefly smiled, A brief sound, and she turned. There was the man who had been her partner. Still looked good, still a head taller than she. "Miss Tea Leone, here is your purchase. Greet your new Mistress," the staff member told Mulder. He bowed and said, "Mistress." Farragut looked at the two burly guards with Mulder. "I'll take it from here," he stated, moving to separate Mulder from his captors. Mulder thought following the woman. A brief whiff of lavender came to his nose. When he stumbled, the man with her grabbed his arms and steadying him. his mind reeled. It made sense, lavender was Scully's favorite scent. And the new Mistress, 4 inch fuck-me-pumps not withstanding, was about the right size. Scully could feel Mulder's eyes drilling into her back. A doorman opened the back door of luxury Lincoln limousine. Scully got in, then Mulder, then Farragut. The door closed and they were off. Alone finally, the silence was deafening, each lost in their own thoughts. Mulder didn't know whether to be elated or horrified, Scully was his friend, unless she had ulterior motives, she was here to rescue him. But could he be rescued? His doctorate in psychology was a curse this time. He knew each psychological and physical technique they put to use each minute to break the convicts. And exactly which book of Jung, Freud, or de Sade it came from. But did he want to be rescued? He had broke, given the slave masters exactly what they wanted. He was ashamed to be seen by Scully like this. Scully looked at Mulder when he first sat down, then looked away. she wondered. It wasn't Mulder, of that she was certain. There wasn't anything left of the victim's personality after a mindwipe. And then make them into a sex toy. Scully wasn't certain if she wouldn't prefer a nice clean death to having somebody else walking around in her skin. And when the Lone Gunman discovered what horrors awaited the 'trainees', they didn't first want to tell her, to protect her for the horror. She hung her head for a moment, morning the loss of her friend one more time. The sound of the tires hitting gravel awoke both from the reverie. A moment, the driver was opening the door and Scully and Mulder climbed out. Mulder only half heard the instructions she gave the driver, didn't see the quick hug she gave the tuxedoed bodyguard. But noticed when the car left then and turned right when it hit the street. "Come along," Scully told Mulder. Then led him through the front door and to a sitting room. After instructing him to sit, Scully looked into the hazel eyes of the man. She grimaced, not knowing where to start, how to explain to this person that she had known the person who had lived inside that mortal shell that he inhabited. Mulder spoke, "Why did you..." Scully could see the tension in his face as he tried to break training. "If the slave may ask, why did the Mistress take an interest in the slave," he finally said. "You remind me of a man I once knew. He was my friend.... my best friend. He got into trouble and I was too late to save him. But I will try to make your life as comfortable and pleasant as I can for his sake." She looked directly into the eyes she had known so well, trying to extrude as much empathy and sincerity as she could. She was willing to devote the rest of her life if that is what it took. Again a look that mixed pain, fear, and uncertainty stole across his face. "Scully...I... am... still... Mulder," he choked out. "Mulder," she cried out. She reached out to touch him, a gesture she had done dozens of times before. But jerked her hand back when she saw the look of arousal mixed with fear in his eyes. Mulder felt his eyes darken and his tongue slip out to moisten his lips at her touch. He couldn't help it, he was a trained seal, trained to respond to his owner's touch. She sat back. This changed everything. They had expected that he would have been mindwiped, everybody else was. "Scully, I broke. They beat me, raped me, tortured me," he said, head bowed, his eyes closed. "I tried to fight them,..." "I know you did, and you did a good job of it," Scully jumped in, shocked at what they had done to him. "I withstood them until they started using drugs, LSD I think. I couldn't be sure of who or where I was anymore. That's when I broke," Mulder said, sobs starting to rack his body. "I just broke," he whispered. Scully thought. the thought ended unhappily. It wasn't going to be easy, but she owed her partner. She got up and knelt in front of him. "I'm not happy to see you like this," she said, her blue eyes drilling into his. "I am here to help you." She got up and walked over to a sidetable and a doctor's black bag. She planned to sedate him before they left, too much of chance he had been programmed to raise a warning if anybody tried to take him out of the country. She braced herself against the table for a moment before opening the bag and getting out a syringe and an ampule. A flick of the finger to break the seal on the ampule, and she was drawing a yellowish liquid up into the syringe. "Trust me, partner?" she asked, the syringe in her hand. A look of horror flashed in Mulder's eyes as he looked at the syringe. There had been too many ampules and syringes and little IV bags with red bordered labels for him not to be scared. He looked up into her cerulean blue eyes, and felt hopeful for the first time in months. "Always, Scully." "Then we might just have a chance, partner." Dunellen Municipal Airport Dunellen Florida 3AM. ---------------- A lanky longhaired man stood still listening to the National Weather Service weather broadcast out of TIA. "Low ceiling. Fog for 30 miles offshore. Bit of a tail wind. Yes!! Great Flying Weather!!", he said smiling at Charles Farragut. "I'm glad. And thanks again for flying out the redhead and her friend." "Hey, I'm cool. No cargo flying back. It'll be nice having somebody to talk with other then square grouper. And, Hey, say hi to the kid for me." "I'll be sure to do that," Charles answered, before leaving he cockpit of the old DC-3 transport. He looked at a redhead standing bareheaded in the mist, a trenchcoat wrapped around her trim frame. "How does it look, Charles," Dana asked her ex-lover. She hated to do this to him, but she didn't really have any other choice. "Fine, if you don't mind flying with a pilot barely old enough to shave, in an airplane his grandfather would have flown." Charles immediately thought better of what he said. Looking down at Dana, he started to apologize, "Dana. Sorry.. " She placed a soft hand on his trenchcoat covered arm. "I'm ok, Charles. I remember these old Gooney Birds at Naval Air Stations," she said looking up into his gray eyes. "You have to go, Dana. You need to take care of your partner," Charles said looking over at Mulder, currently deep under the effect of a Mickey that Dana had given him. "I know," Scully said with a sigh. "You'll be ok. This pilot should be able to get you to the Yucatan, then your unspeaking troll of a friend has some plan for you." "I know he does, but Frohike won't tell me either," Scully said with a grimace. "Hey guys. It's time to book," the pilot called out of the cargo door of the ancient airplane. Skinner had been standing back, leaning against the car. He walked up and helped manhandle Mulder into a seat. "You'll do ok, Agent Scully," he told her. Looking up at Charles, "I'll wait by the car." Scully's face split in a quick grin at Skinner's use of a title she had resigned two years earlier. She gave the bear of a man, a quick hard hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you latter." Skinner gave her one of his rare smiles and walked back to the car. The whine of the starter motor caught their attention. The throaty roar of an unmuffled radial engine told them it was time to part. "Be good to him, Dana," Charles told the petite redhead. "Good by, Charles," Scully said into his ear, hoping he'd hear her over the airplane engines. She stepped back for a moment, before launching herself into his arms for one last kiss. Skinner and Charles watched the Gooney Bird waddle to the end of the tarmac. The airplane seemed to crouch, then the twin engines roared their defiance to the earth. The plane rolled down the runway, slowly gaining speed before parting ways with the ground. Charles watched the airplane's lights disappear into the fog, quietly smoking a cigarette. "Now what, Walter?" he asked his balding companion. "Heard you were thinking about renewing a relationship with a man in Chi-town with a gold Zippo. Name of Quisling, I think." Charles looked over at his old boss, seeing the smile on his face. "Let's go." The end. ----------------------------------- Steve Wagner - The Unnumbered naXis wagnersm@mindspring.com Cary, North Carolina, USA "WHY NOT seize the pleasure at once, How often is happiness destroyed by preparation, foolish preparation!" Jane Austin, (1775-1817) English novelist Archived by "The City of Stars" by Melody Morgan Carter xmcarter@libero.it http://digilander.iol.it/xbellatrix/ --,--'--,(@ Melody's published fanfics: "I Will Change For You" (Italiano & English) "Broken Circle at the Sunset of a Sun That Lights Someone Else" (Italiano & English) "Quasar - Quasi Stellare" (Italiano) "Qwerty Uiop - L'Alternativa" (Italiano) "Un Mitico Provino" (Italiano) "Better Best Forgotten" (Italiano) "That Thing (Better Best Forgotten 2)" (Italiano) "In gIrum imus noCtE et coNsumImur iGnI" (Italiano) "In Alto i Cuori" (Italiano) "James Axel Fadro" (Italiano) "Don't Fight That Future" (English) "No Name: Pretend No Name" (English) ...e presto molte altre! ...and soon a lot more! Joy's published fanfics: "With Him" (Italiano & English) "In Your Head" (English) Holly's published fanfics: "I've Quit" (English) Melody's & Holly's fanfics: "Diamo i Numeri! (Shut Up)" (English) "The End of 'The End'" (English) --,--'--,(@ Visit Melody's home page (and sign the guestbook ;) ) : "La Cittą delle Stelle" - http://digilander.iol.it/xbellatrix/ --,--'--,(@