Diamo i Numeri! (Shut Up) by Melody Morgan Carter & Holly TITLE: Diamo i Numeri! (Shut Up) AUTHOR: Melody Morgan Carter & Holly E-MAIL ADDRESS: xmcarter@libero.it RATING: NC-17 CATEGORY: S, MSR, H SPOILERS: Avatar and something about Scully's Abduction KEYWORDS: Mulder/Scully, office, veritas veritatis (Truth of truth), "Diamo i Numeri!" SUMMARY: What they done, in the office, when they haven't to do paperwork o solve some case? DISCLAIMER: they aren't ours. We love them, but we made this to them. Holly fell in love with DD some months ago, so she hopes it's herself - and not Scully - in this fanfic. Melody fell in love with CC, some years ago, so she hopes it was herself - and not Dori Pierson - his wife. Our brains are gone. Forever. THANKS: to Chris Carter - who created The X-Files! And to Joy... you know who you are... and to all the people who will e-mail us with FEEDBACK! WARNING: Don't read this if you're underage or don't like NC-17 thing. Just one another thing: the idea was Melody's, I asked her if she was going to write it and she screamed: NO! So, I do it for her. She wrote the end (the H part). Ciao a tutti!!! (Hello people!) This is the first fanfic we write together (Holly is at her first fanfic, Melody wrote 27 X-Files and a lot of other thing, something in English). It's an experiment. Holly wrote the NC-17 part and Melody the H one. Melody do the supervision (aka rewrote all Holly's part...). We are non-English, so, forgive us for the mistakes. --,--'--,(@ DIAMO I NUMERI by Holly & Melody Morgan Carter (Shut Up) Dana Scully stretched, stopping working at the report and the cracking of her articulations catch her Fox Mulder's attention. "Are you all right, Scully?" "Uhm? Yeah. Just little sore... Computer working broke my neck... and my back..." Fox got to his feet, going toward her. "Maybe I can help you." "Thanks, but I think you're better finish your file, my report is almost..." Her words were broke off by his big hands on her shoulders. "Uuh..." He began to knead her muscles, with slow, deep circles. "M-Mulder... You're a pain killer..." She closed her eyes, enjoying the rhythm. "I think I could do this better, if you're lay." "Yeah?" she murmured, without really thinking. "Yesss." His breath caressed her ear. Dana shot her eyes open, suddenly realizing what they're doing. "G... Mulder..." Fox leaned forward, turning off the computer. "Just let me do..." "Oh... No... Mulder... Don't you think..." His arms slid under hers to raise and lay her on the desk. She was melted under his touch, and she let him do what he was going to do. Her body was flatted against the wood, her arms abandoned along her waist, her eyes closed, her mind open. Fox was doing a really good job on her back. "Mulder..." she moaned, forcing her eyes open. "Mulder... ok, it's enough..." "I don't think so." he answered, keeping her down. "Mulder..." She struggled to raise, but she couldn't, and she didn't know if because of Fox's grip or because her body didn't want to. "Mulder... stop, please..." "Stop? Really you want me stop?" "No, yes... No..." Mulder smirked. "Yeah. It's your choice, so?" "Yesss. No. Don't stop. No. I want you to go on." "Isn't it wonderful?" "Yesssss." Scully closed her eyes, leaning her palms flat on the desk. "Wanna something more wonderful?" "Yesss." Fox leaned forward, sliding a hand under her to unbutton her shirt. Scully began to scream for surprise, but the other Fox's hand went over her mouth, pressing on it fiercely. "Shhhhh... Don't scream, or I have to gag you..." "Mlldrr... Plsss." she moaned into his hand. Fox let her mouth free slowly, very slowly. She fell the cool wood on her bare stomach and lap, and somehow she knew he wanted more. This thought made her shiver. "Oh... No, Mulder... please..." "Wanna stop?" "No... please... go on..." Fox went behind her, holding her waists. "Good, Dana, take it easy..." She tried and tried to relax, but it seems to be impossible. "Really, Scully, relax... Relax, I don't want to hurt you." Mulder put one foot between hers, spreading her legs. "Mulder... Mulder... what are you doing?" "Shhhh. If you want me to stop, say the word. If you want me to go on..." He stopped, leaned over her on his arms. "Yeah?" "Shut - Up." Scully open her eyes. "What?! You're tell me to shut up, aren't you?" "Yessss." "How do you dare?" "Ehi, Scully, this is my game. Accept the rules or leave the ground." Dana close her eyes, trying to not laugh. "I click on "accept"." Then, she heard him pull up her skirt, she moaned. And he stopped. "Ehy... Mulder, what are you trying to demonstrate?" "Oh, I want you to learn self-control and patience." "And do you think I don't know yet about them?" Mulder patted slightly on her shoulder. "No no no..." "No?" "No. In fact, you're speaking again. And again, again again." Scully looked up at him, a smirk on her face. Fox shook his head. "You'll never change." She started to speak, but he put a finger on her mount. "Shut - Up. Scully, shut up." Dana tried to not laugh. It was hard. Mulder went out of her eyesight, but she can felt his hand under her yet opened jacket. Fox tried to unhook her bra, and she laugh at his incapacity. "On the front." she whispered. Fox leaned on her, pressing slightly against her body. "Shut up." He raised just to slid his right hand under her chest. He unhooked her bra, opening it so her breasts were pressed directly on the cold wood. "Mulder... please..." she moaned. Fox took her arms painfully. "Mulder! You're hurting me." "You shut up, I stop to hurt you." But his grip was already softened. Not gone. He took both her wrists in one hand, and with the other he keep a set of handcuffs and replace his hand with them. Scully laughed. "No... Mulder... Don't..." Then she heard Fox's steps going far away from her, still half naked and leaned on the desk. "Mulder, where are you going?" She struggled to look at him, but she couldn't raise. "Mulder? Mulder... please, come back." "I'm here." He smiled at her. Scully smiled back at him, but he hid quickly her grin with a handkerchief, and she moaned. "That was your choice." He grinned, thinking: --Now you can't say "stop".-- Fox started to keep off her tights, slowly, skimming the skin between her thighs. She groan against the gag. She wanted to speak, damn him. She raised one foot to tell him. "What... What the hell are you doing, Scully?" He leaned forward over her. "Mld, lt m fr!" "Well, Scully, if you don't speak better, I can't understand you." She laughed and he joined her. Then he removed the handkerchief from her mouth, replace it with his own forefinger. "Don't speak for nothing, understand?" Dana took his finger in her mouth, nodding. But Mulder retract it and set the handkerchief on her eyes. "Mulder, what the hell..." She stopped and screamed as Mulder slapped slightly her buttocks. "Shut up." he said, with a threatening tone. He raised more her skirt. Then his pulled down her panties. Scully moaned. "Ehy, it's soon to come." "I'm not coming." she said harshly. "Not yet." he said. She grinned. He rubbed his fingers slowly between her legs, make her getting wet. Then he unzipped his own pants and put down his own boxer. She felt him pressing against her and moaned. "Mulder..." But he waited. He toyed with her clit, taking it between his fingers. "Dana, say something." he demand. "Don't stop." "Something more bad, little good girl, perfect statue of the perfect agent, bride of the FBI." She grinned at his words. "You're sick, Mulder." "Say something." "If you stop I'll kill you." "Oh, what bad words!" he exclaim, shaking his head. "Come onto me..." Mulder leaned over her, whispering in her ear: "Is that your best bad slang?" "Fuck me..." she whispered, her eyes still covered. "It's my pleasure, my little redhead slut." With this, he pushed into her, making her scream between enjoyment and pain. She gripped the desktop in her hands. "Mulder!!!" she screamed as she came with him. Outside the office of the X-Files, Walter Sergei Skinner was waiting for them to finish. Chris walked down the stair, looking the AD on his feet, leaned back on the wall. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Hem... Uh... You see..." "*What* do I see?" "They are..." "Well?" "They are in the office making... making out." "Yeah, I hear. Weren't you make AD to control them?" "Yes, I was... but..." "There's no buts, Skinner. I can kill you, remember?" "Yes, sir." "But first I put you in serious trouble. More serious then to have killed a hooker." "Oh no, please..." Skinner lowered his head. "Then, what the hell are you doing still here?" "B-but I can't go in!" "Why can't you?" "The door is locked." Walter explained. "Holy shit. This is what I mean when I said I've create a monster. They are living their own lives!" He knocked at the door, there are still noises of two people making love. "Ok, you two, stop right now!" Mulder slid out of her. "Oh shit." They ran into their dresses, trying to compose themselves. "Yeah?" Fox went to the door, trying it. "Oh! Why it's closed?" "Fox William Mulder, open that door, fucking partner jerk that you are." He opened, allowing the man inside. "Oh man." "You!" Chris pointed out to Scully. "Me?" she said shyly. "Yes, you. You were put here to control him, not to be controlled by him." He take her arm and pull her on her feet. "Sweet darling, you, your Fox and you sweet Sergei are out of the Show." "No!" she screamed. "Not again please!" "Yes. David and Gillian want to quit, you two are going to be abducted by some alien who covered the ass of the Government. Get out of here." He shove Scully along the hall. "And you, AD-of-my-balls, you can go to hell!" "It's not our fault!" Mulder shouted as he followed his partner. "It's fault of those... those evil fanfics writers!" "Shut up!" Chris screamed. "Now listen to me, you three fucking asses. I'm the Executive Producer, here, I'm who decides of your life. I'm who writes the teleplay!" "Yes, Mr. Carter." they said in unison. "Ehmmm..." A girl showed up in the hall. "Chris, there's a problem." "Melody, what the hell are you doing down here?" "Ehmmm... Chris, Frank Black is betraying his lovely wife." Chris yelled: "Where?!" "On http://visto.salvando.ilculo/bugia.txt.(1)" Chris left them all, and Dana and Fox looked Melody. "What are do doing?" Dana kindly asked. "You aren't a 'shipper, are you?" "No, no, I'm not a 'shipper... But I still have a romantic soul. I've to cover some lies, sometimes... And sure, if I was the one who invents the lies. See you." Melody smiled and turned back. THE END Note: (1) the address is formed by some Italian words: Vi sto salvando il culo / bugia = I'm saving your ass / lie. Archived by "The City of Stars" by Melody Morgan Carter Feedback means everything to an author. (Nicole Van Dam) Feedback makes the world go round. (Nicole Perry) Feedback makes the world a better place for you and me. (Krikkit) © Text copyright 99, Castiglioni FEEDBACK!!!!!! Please please pleaseeeeee!!!!!!! SCRIVETEMI!!!! E-Mail me, please!!!!!!!! Flames *constructive* are welcome. xmcarter@libero.it xduchess@freemail.it melodycarter@tiscalinet.it --,--'--,(@ Melody's published fanfics: "I Will Change For You" (Italiano & English) "Broken Circle at the Sunset of a Sun That Lights Someone Else" (Italiano & English) "Quasar - Quasi Stellare" (Italiano) "Qwerty Uiop - L'Alternativa" (Italiano) "Un Mitico Provino" (Italiano) "Better Best Forgotten" (Italiano) "That Thing (Better Best Forgotten 2)" (Italiano) "In gIrum imus noCtE et coNsumImur iGnI" (Italiano) "In Alto i Cuori" (Italiano) "James Axel Fadro" (Italiano) "Don't Fight That Future" (English) "No Name: Pretend No Name" (English) ...e presto molte altre! ...and soon a lot more! Joy's published fanfics: "With Him" (Italiano & English) "In Your Head" (English) Holly's published fanfics: "I've Quit" (English) Melody's & Holly's fanfics: "Diamo i Numeri! (Shut Up)" (English) "The End of 'The End'" (English) --,--'--,(@ Visit Melody's home page (and sign the guestbook ;) ) : "La Cittą delle Stelle" - http://digilander.iol.it/xbellatrix/ --,--'--,(@