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Full Sail Graduate Directs Ultimate Poker Challenge PR Web via Yahoo! News
Winter Park, FL (PRWEB) November 12, 2006 -- Full Sail Real World Education congratulates graduate Mark Crownover for his recent success in his position as director for the Ultimate Poker Challenge.
Former teammates, rivals, remember Roy as the ultimate winner Canadian Press via Yahoo! News
TORONTO (CP) - Joe Sakic started laughing. Asked to recall one of his favourite Patrick Roy moments, the superstar centre went back to the 1996 playoffs when both players were Colorado Avalanche teammates.
Full Sail Graduate Directs Ultimate Poker Challenge PR Web
Full Sail Real World Education congratulates graduate Mark Crownover for his recent success in his position as director for the Ultimate Poker Challenge. Crownover graduated from the Film Degree program at Full Sail in 2004. He has also worked with Fox Sports Mansion Poker Challenge, American Idol and The View. (PRWeb Nov 12, 2006) Trackback URI:
DARPA Starts Ultimate Language Translation Project Slashdot
An anonymous reader writes "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched the ultimate speech lation engine project that would be capable of real-time interpretation of television and radio programs as well as printed or online textual information in order to be summarized, abstracted, and presented to human analysts emphasizing points of particular interest." If combined
WP: Iraq panel may have few good options MSNBC
Those familiar with the Iraq Study Group’s work predict that the panel’s ultimate recommendations on stabilizing the situation in Iraq will not appear novel and that there are few, if any, good options left facing the country. [!]
In pictures: Remembrance Sunday BBC News
Thousands of spectators and 8,000 ex-servicemen and women merged in Whitehall, London, to pay their respects to those who died in battle. As Big Ben chimed 11, veterans fell quiet in memory of those that paid the ultimate sacrifice fighting for their country.
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Lorena Ochoa made it six wins for the season and extended her lead over Karrie Webb on the LPGA Tour money list to US$423,000 when she walked away with the Mitchell Company Tournament of Champions event in Alabama.
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Get our free e-newsletter delivered every Monday. Are square headed drivers a passing fad?
iseekgolf.com - Australasia's Ultimate Online Golf Site iseekgolf.com
Rod Pampling and Jerry Kelly beat Justin Leonard and Scott Verplank on the first sudden-death playoff hole Sunday to win the Merrill Lynch Shootout.
Stan Spadoni ‘It’s a day of respect for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.’ Rolla Daily News
Stan Spadoni’s voice trailed off and he fought back tears as he recalled his experiences in Korea and Vietnam, remembering those he fought with who are no longer here.

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Ultimate Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El ultimate es un deporte de equipo que recoge elementos del fútbol, del baloncesto y del rugby, Obtenido de "http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultimate"
What is Ultimate Frisbee?
Description and history of the sport, rules, terms glossary, pictures and related links.
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Ultimate (sport) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ultimate (often called ultimate Frisbee) is a competitive non-contact team Ultimate is distinguished by i Spirit of the Game the principles of fair
Ultimate Wikipedia
L'Ultimate è stato inventato alla fine degli anni 60 nei campus americani. Originariamente chito "Ultimate Frisbee", è ora chito semplicemente
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