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Web.com and LegalZoom.com Forge Partership Web Host Directory
Web.com, Inc. (Nasdaq: WWWW), a leading destination for websites and web services, and LegalZoom.com, the nation's number one online provider of comprehensive legal documentation services, announced today that they have forged a partnership to market their services to their respective customer bases.
The Low-Down on Mash-Ups ECommerce-Guide
You've likely heard of musical mash-ups, digitally combining two or more songs from different genres together, say Lawrence Welk and Wu-Tang Clan. Though not as entertaining, mash-ups in the e-commerce world do exist, but in this case they involve noodling around with third-party Web-based services to create something pragmatic, for instance a local mapping feature.
Pubcon 06 - Feeds, Blogs, News, and More WebProNews
I was very torn between attending this session and Big SEO, but I got a bit of both. Here's the official session description: "Today's search landscape is more diverse than ever. There are hundreds of new social bookmarking, community tagging, feed search and news search sites and systems emerging. This panel has representatives from some of the top social and feed search engines on the web
Empire Property Group and Pioneer Point at Ilford Sets its Sights on the 2012 London Olympics PR Web
UK based real estate developer Empire Property Group breaks ground on its most ambitious construction and development project in the Greater London area. The redevelopment of the existing Pioneer Market and the creation of a new iconic residential building for Ilford will be a significant addition to the striking series of architectural projects being developed by the City for the Olympic Games
Jeff Zisselman, Financial and Estate Planning Advisor, Joins Executive Committee at Not for Profit American Heart PR Web
Jeffrey Zisselman, local Santa Clara businessman at Thornhill Financial Corporation, joins executive committee at American Heart Association, Western States Affiliate. The American Heart Association's mission is to reduce disability and death from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. AHA events raise crucial funds that support the life-saving research and educational programs run by the
eBay Watch: Delays, Deals and Steals ECommerce-Guide
eBay News & Announcements Mpire, an online shopping service, launched eBay Pop , a tool that lets consumers access a variety of information including top selling items on eBay and sales figures related to various hot sellers.
Yahoo! Poll Shows Three Out of Four Holiday Shoppers Will Buy Gifts Online and Most Are Likely to Purchase from Small Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
SUNNYVALE, Calif.----Three out of four holiday shoppers said they plan to shop for holiday gifts online, and a similar number, 75 percent, said they are likely to purchase gifts online from small businesses, according to a new survey commissioned by Yahoo!
Microsoft readies Office Live for free UK trial Silicon.com
Beta due for release next week
New search trends reveal Comodo strength as the "Most Sought After" brand Web Host Directory
Major search engine trends results confirm that consumers and businesses are more engaged with the Comodo brand in online searches largely driven by demand for Comodo's award winning free desktop security/ protection tools.
Comodo Establishs Online Trust Through New Class of EV SSL Certificates Web Host Directory
CA/B Forum - a Comodo initiated industry organization of Certification Authorities and Browsers - is committed to provide online businesses with new Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates - the first SSL certificate supported by major browsers to offer identity trust indicators for a trusted online experience.

Ecommerce Web Site Hosting by YourHost.com
Provides ecommerce web hosting solutions, including shopping cart, database management, e-mail marketing, and web design. Based in Fountain Valley,
Clockwatchers - Ecommerce Web Hosting - Small Business Hosting
Generate sales online quickly and easily. Ecommerce web hosting made easy for you.
Ecommerce Web Hosting Solutions | MonsterCommerce
Finally, easy Ecommerce solutions! MonsterCommerce shopping cart software allows you to easily build an online store from any web browser!
» FrontPage WEB HOSTING : Ecommerce Web Hosting, SharePoint
Offers ASP web hosting specializing in ASP.NET, FrontPage, StoreFront, SalesCart, Cart32, Microsoft SQL Server and ASP ecommerce shopping cart support on
HOSTING E-COMMERCE COMMERCIO ELETTRONICO - Hosting Global Italia servizi di hosting di qualità, hosting UNIX, hosting NT, hosting Windows 2000 Asp.NET,

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