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MediaVest Merges Buying Units; Ups Speciale to President, Investment and Activation Mediaweek
Publicis Groupe's MediaVest has merged its video, print and out-of-home buying units, elevating Donna Speciale to the new post of president, investment and activation, giving her oversight of the combined operation.
Speaker Jim Black leads; Democrats expand legislative lead Salisbury Post
RALEIGH (AP) — House Speaker Jim Black held on for his political life Tuesday, leading Republican Hal Jordan by seven votes in an election that overshadowed solid gains by Democrats at the General Assembly.
NC Dems favored to retain House News 14 Charlotte
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - Democrats looked Tuesday to keep control of the General Assembly for another two years, whether or not House Speaker Jim Black survives his toughest challenge in years.
ALMS - La stagione Play.it USA
Dopo l'antipasto avuto con le news della Nascar e della IRL, la redazione automobilistica di playit, apre un altro capitolo, parlandovi brevemente della ALMS, che è l'acronimo dell'American Le Mans Series, un campionato delle quattro ruote molto seguito.
Microsoft améliore la sécurité de Visual Studio grâce à une version améliorée de Dotfuscator SYS-CON Media
- L'inclusion de Dotfuscator Community Edition de PreEmptive Solutions est l'étape la plus récente en direction du lancement de Microsoft Visual Studio dont le nom de code est >.
Beer and food matching: Thai fishcake Publican
Sorry, you won’t get in without a tie. A Thai fishcake, that is. This time around, we asked our beer and food matching panel to come up with beers to complement an oriental favourite.
TSX Venture Exchange Daily Bulletins for November 6, 2006 CCNMatthews via Yahoo! Finance
Digging out of drug abuse BBC News
Monty Don uses gardening to help reform habitual drug abusers.
Business Briefs The Gilroy Dispatch
Gilroy - Peter L. Chi MD. FRCS(c) has more than 10 years of experience in cosmetic surgery and cosmetic skin rejuvenation. He strives to maintain the highest standard of care and uses the state of art procedures in the field of cosmetic surgery and skin care.
Police blotter The Daily Iowan
Gregory Adams, 20, 1130 E. Washington St. charged Wednesday with fifth-degree criminal mischief and public intoxication. Daniel Calhoun, 19, 529 E. Burlington St., was charged Tuesday with PAULA.

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