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Pharma-Biotech Industry Closes Out 2006 with 45% Jump from 2005 for 4th Quarter Capital Spending, an Industrial Info Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
SUGAR LAND----Reported by Annette Kreuger, Industrial Info Resources . In spite of being the poster child of bad press, the Pharmaceutical-Biotech Industry has produced some great headlines in regard to capital and MRO project spending in 2006.
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In less than three weeks, on December 1, 2006, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa will take office as President of the United Mexican States. An office won democratically and rightfully, for a six-year term, following a contentious and hard fought campaign.
Will Calderon Also Be Obsessed With Mexican Emigration? Will Felipe Calderon, scheduled to become Mexico’s president on December 1st, be as obsessed with emigration as President Vicente Fox has been for six years?
What a difference six years makes. After Vicente Fox won the 2000 Mexican presidential election, ousting the perennial autocratic power known as the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), many political analysts wrote off the PRI as a political force and forecasted its demise.
What are Mexicans to make of last Tuesday’s U.S. mid-term election results? What’s likely to happen to outstanding issues with the Democrats in control of both the House of Representatives and the Senate?
A new democratic era began in Mexico in the year 2000, an unparalleled alternation in power as a candidate from a political party other than the Institutional Revolutionary Party was elected president, breaking 71 years of hegemonic rule.
Can America be defeated from within? The simple fact is, that there is an underground terrorist apparatus inside the United States, along with foreign support and leadership.
We want info about nonprofits Arizona Daily Star
It's the season of giving, and we're looking for nonprofit organizations that have a few things on their own wish list.
KIDS & MONEY: Kids may be especially vulnerable to e-mails seeking account info Kansas City Star
Recently, I received an e-mail from 14-year-old Edward Hunt, who was looking for someone “honest and old enough” to help him collect on an inheritance.

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