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Broadcom chip supports Blu-ray Disc, HD-DVD Electronic Engineering Times Asia
Broadcom introduced last week what it touts as the first single-chip solution to support both Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD standards.
Japanese Tech Stocks Weekly Report SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance
IRG Limited submits: The following is excerpted from IRG's weekly stock report: Internet Kyocera Corp. disclosed that it was seeking carriers it can work with on plans to expand its iBurst wireless broadband in high-growth markets.
News Will the Porn Biz Pick Blu-ray? The industry's top studio will release its first high-def DVD in the Blu-ray TVPredictions.com
Washington, D.C. (November 11, 2006) -- Vivid Entertainment early next year will release the first adult HDTV DVD in the Sony-backed Blu-ray format. Vivid CEO Steve Hirsch made the disclosure in an interview with TVPredictions.com.
GAME ON San Jose Mercury News
The latest game consoles from Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo appeal to distinctly different parts of my personality. Nintendo's Wii is perfect for the family guy in me. Microsoft's Xbox 360 fits my hard-core shooting side. Sony's PlayStation 3 appeals in that way, too, but it also brings out the kid in me who wants to be the first on the block to own the coolest new toy. My favorite console depends
Holidays got you Blu? Sentinel & Enterprise
The next wave of home-video viewing has appeared on the horizon. But with competing formats and the high-three-digit prices typically attached to new electronic products, the next generation might not enter the mainstream in time for this holiday shopping season.
New DVDs present frustrating choice Akron Beacon Journal
For consumers, it's confusing and frustrating. The electronics giants of the world have yet again failed to agree on a video format. The prospect ahead is another battle for supremacy in the next-generation DVD market, this time between the ``Blu-ray'' camp led by Sony and the ``HD DVD'' camp led by Toshiba.
Détente of sorts may come in DVD format war Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Consumers who can't decide between the two warring formats for high-definition DVD players might want to wait till next year. That's when a new "universal" chip from Broadcom will allow electronics firms to make a single player to handle both types of disk -- HD-DVD and Blu-Ray.
Playstation Network PS3 Master IDs To be Available on Playstation Store I4U
You like your cool gamer tag or IM nickname? You want to have it on the Sony Playstation Network as well? Apparently Sony is offering Sony PS3 master ID sign-up on the Playstation store starting on November 17th for those who do not then have a Sony
Now you won't have to choose between HD-DVD, Blu-Ray Boston Globe
Consumers who can't decide between the two warring formats for high-definition DVD players might want to wait till next year. That's when a new "universal" chip from a band of engineers in Andover will allow electronics firms to make a single player to handle both types of disk -- HD-DVD and Blu-Ray.
Can silicon come to the rescue for Blu-ray CNET
Blog: The Blu-ray people face a big problem: those blue lasers are a pain to make.Shimei Semiconductor has developed a blue LED grown

School Nel Blu - italian language courses
Italian language school. Details of courses, accommodation, prices, and booking.
Il sito ufficiale del documentario di Andy Byatt. Contiene informazioni sul film e sui pesci che si possono osservare in azione nella pellicola,
Mare Blu - Corsi Sub e Immersioni [Diving]
Associazione Sportiva Mare Blu: corsi sub di immersione NADD e CMAS, weekend di immersione nell'area protetta di portofino,navigazione per gruppi.
STRADE BLU - Prima la merce.
Blu.it in dooyoo.it
Blu.it Rapporti, negozi convenienti e comparazione prezzi su dooyoo.it.

Mare Blu - Corsi Sub e Immersioni [Diving]
Associazione Sportiva Mare Blu: corsi sub di immersione NADD e CMAS, weekend di immersione nell'area protetta di portofino,navigazione per gruppi.
STRADE BLU - Prima la merce.
Blu.it in dooyoo.it
Blu.it Rapporti, negozi convenienti e comparazione prezzi su dooyoo.it.
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