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Classe DnsPermissionAttribute System.Net
Demand, Unrestricted = true )] public class MyClass{ public static IPAddress GetIPAddress Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media
Costruttore DnsPermissionAttribute System.Net
Demand, Unrestricted = true )] public class MyClass{ public static IPAddress GetIPAddress Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media
Classe DnsPermissionAttribute
Unrestricted := true)> _ Public Class MyClass1 Public Shared Function GetIPAddress Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003
Costruttore DnsPermissionAttribute
Unrestricted := true)> _ Public Class MyClass1 Public Shared Function GetIPAddress Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003
If the GetIPAddress method successfully retrieves the IP address, it returns S_OK. Server: Requires Windows Server "Longhorn" or Windows Server 2003. IDL: Declared in ClusCfgServer.idl
DnsPermissionAttribute Class System.Net
Demand, Unrestricted = true )] public class MyClass{ public static IPAddress GetIPAddress Windows 98, Windows Server 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media
Publish Your Home IP Address To Your Web Server With XmlHttp
Windows 2003: Windows Vista: Windows XP: Windows Media: Outlook: Visio: Other Resources: Pete's Blog function GetIPAddress (server, username, password) set objLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting
fox weblog : Remote connections to Windows Server 2003 using WinRM
Remote connections to Windows Server 2003 using WinRM WinRM by default only allows remote connections via cResource = cResource + GetIPAddress() + "+Port=" + GetPort() cXML = [<cfg:Listener xmlns:cfg
WASP_Platform class Reference
unsigned int WASP_Platform::getIPAddress ( WASP_SockAddr value is writen during the WASPC installation (on Windows Generated on Wed Feb 5 15:34:08 2003 for WASP Server for C++ by 1.2.15
WASP_Platform class Reference
unsigned int WASP_Platform::getIPAddress ( WASP_SockAddr & value is writen during the WASPC installation (on Windows Generated on Thu Jul 10 19:46:47 2003 for WASP Server for C++ by 1.2.15

fox weblog : Remote connections to Windows Server 2003 using WinRM
The default configuration for a Windows 2003 server is below: because the WinRM client and cResource = cResource + GetIPAddress() + &quot;+Port=&quot; + GetPort()
GetIPAddress: Places the IP address of the local machine in a specified buffer. Server, Requires Windows Server &quot;Longhorn&quot;, Windows Server 2003, Windows
LAN Messenger - The Code Project - VB.NET
Function GetIPAddress(ByVal CompName As String) As String Dim oAddr As System.Net. built on top of Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003.
Programming Languages: VB.Net IP address
Windows XP Windows 98 Windows 95 &amp; 3.x Open BSD Windows Server 2003 FreeBSD AIX IBMs UNIX OS MsgBox &quot;IP-address: &quot; + GetIPAddress End Sub &#39;In a module
[OpenH323]OpenH323 uses wrong local IP outbound calls?
Windows Server 2003 cannot do such sophisiticated routing that i can select one of the GetIpAddress(ip))&lt;br&gt; &amp;gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; port =3D new

Programming Languages: VB.Net IP address
Windows XP Windows 98 Windows 95 &amp; 3.x Open BSD Windows Server 2003 FreeBSD AIX IBMs UNIX OS MsgBox &quot;IP-address: &quot; + GetIPAddress End Sub &#39;In a module
[OpenH323]OpenH323 uses wrong local IP outbound calls?
Windows Server 2003 cannot do such sophisiticated routing that i can select one of the GetIpAddress(ip))&lt;br&gt; &amp;gt; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; port =3D new
[OpenH323]OpenH323 uses wrong local IP outbound calls?
Windows Server 2003 cannot do &gt; such sophisiticated routing that i can select one GetIpAddress(ip)) &gt; &gt; port = new H323TransportTCP(endpoint, ip);
Christian Cantrell: July 2003 Archives
July 31, 2003. Using ColdFusion Server Variables so inside of the getIpAddress function, I have logic to extract the user&#39;s IP address out of the
Microsoft Active Directory Management Pack Technical Reference
This script applies only to Windows Server 2003 domain controllers, GetIPAddress returns the IP address of a computer whose name is passed in as a
Publish Your Home IP Address To Your Web Server With XmlHttp
function GetIPAddress (server, username, password) set objLocator = CreateObject(&quot;WbemScripting.SWbemLocator&quot;) set objService = objLocator.
E-Bitz - SBS MVP the Official Blog of the SBS "Diva" : Gee Mom? Do
Small Business Server 2003 R2 - the SBSBlog Call to GetIPAddress for private nic () returned ok. Call to GetSubnetMask for private nic () returned ok.
fox weblog
cResource = cResource + GetIPAddress() + &quot;+Port=&quot; + GetPort() Windows Server 2003 Release 2 (WS2003R2) and Windows Vista introduce a new variety of
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