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The purpose of this whole project is to share, compare, measure with our emotions and perspectives from all over the world. This page includes our thanks, appreciations, questions, rage, solidarity. Please make it a true meeting place for our minds.
To contribute, please write to, indicating what your comment refers to.

Submitted by Patric Tengelin- March, 9-

Good friends,

There is mounting evidence that the US has become increasingly isolationist and protectionist since George Bush won the Presidential elections. These are worrying signs for global stability and peace, which not least is evident in Israel at the present moment. The world needs America's involvement, and not the absence of it. First of all, people all over the world were upset when the Bush-administration dumped the Kyoto accord, and the convention on biological weapons. Russia, for one, was not pleased to learn that President Bush had abolished the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and now will upgrade its military capability to the likes of Star Wars. America's allies are growing annoyed with her unilateral actions and total disregard for world opinion. George Bush's short-sightedness, when he imposed a 30 per cent tariff on steel, has not been well received here in Britain. The Wall Street Journal, the Republican's mouthpiece, has estimated that eight jobs will be lost overseas for every job that is saved in the US. The English are now asking themselves why they should unconditionally give the Americans the benefit of the doubt when it comes to military action for example. There is now a tendency towards strengthening the relations with our European counterparts in order to give our voice more collateral.

Best regards,
Patric Tengelin

Submitted by Margaret Mauro- March, 7-

The sixth month anniversary is a few short days away, and I know I speak for all the victims family when I say the hurt and anger hasn't subsided one bit. As the days turn into weeks and the weeks turn into months, I realize I still miss my twin sister as much maybe even more than in the first few weeks. I think back to our younger years, and wish she were here with me now so we could grow old together. But the terrorists who struck on September 11th took that dream away from both of us. In a few short days I will be flying back to New York to visit with my dad, who is still struggling with this and trying to make some sense of his loss, which I know he never will in his lifetime. How does a parent ever get over losing a child? The answer to that is NEVER! Just like I won't ever get over losing my twin. We shared everything, she was my best friend, my confidant, my traveling companion. We would often know what the other was thinking, we would finish each other's sentences. When we went on shopping excursions, we would always split up and inevitably when we came back to each other we would have picked out the same exact outfit but in different colors.
I have made it my life's work from the day it happened until forever that I will keep her memory alive.
Margaret Mauro

Submitted by Patric Tengelin- February, 19-

I would like to comment on the essay by an American Peace Corps worker. I found it interesting to hear from an American who is critical of his own government's policies; the same policies that make up the backbone of American values and ideals. People like him are few and far between. I would really just like to add credibility to his story by telling you the response I got from a Chinese girl after I told her that my brother was killed in the World Trade Center terrorist attack.

She said, "I am sorry to hear that", but quickly told me that most Chinese people were happy to see America attacked and stripped off its power symbols. I was gobsmacked at her insensitivity; and it is precisely that attitude which may result in further attacks on America and her allies. Most nations are opposed to the total world domination by America. However, every time there is a crisis, like when the Serbs engaged in ethnic cleansing, everyone not only expects, but demands America to fulfill her duties as the only superpower left in the world.

Best regards,
Patric Tengelin

Submitted by Beth Smith- February, 11-

Dear Jen, (and every other amazing person out there who contributed to this fine collection)
My name is Beth Smith, formally Scherfling. I am writing from Bloomington, IN~ USA. Jen and I used to share the residency of Suburbia, AZ. Today we share the residency somewhere, IN. What a tiny world! I have read so many articles you've written, and want to thank you. It was so refreshing to be reminded of the love for humanity and world peace we collectively share in the aftermath of the eleventh (need I mention the month?)

I can't say I know the majority of the contributors from the project, but of the few I do know (and haven't yet read), I must encourage you to read, re-read, and read again the beautiful song crafted by Rico Mei. I guess my pre-pubescent crush on Rico runneth over from the days of Bunny and Fluffy and the would-be infamous gingerbread Rico (but wait- only he will understand that inside scoop & besides, this isn't a confessional). I didn't however, know of his creative genius. I'd go as far to say he is a lyrical gangsta (WORD UP!). His poignant words have been taken out of context... so please read the whole poem to absorb it in its entirety... these were just my favorite lines; the ones that did me in.

black holed buildings the size of candy bars on my television

emerging from the asbestos ash clutching their
briefcase and handkerchiefs
and gasping for their New York air

but George keeping his chest inflated
part schoolboy pride
part bulletproof vest

I live in Los Angeles and I am waiting

The pictures Rico also enclosed in his piece were fantastic. I wish I would have photographed my own television. However, I am thankful he did it for us.

To everyone else: I loved your work, sentiments, emotions, and input. May you all be leading more appreciative and productive lives. It sounds as if you are. As a mother-to-be with the greatest husband and best friend in the galaxy (who also included an amazing piece in the compilation, SEE Jeff Smith), I assure you that I try daily to remind myself of the luxury of my placement in the world. Before the eleventh, I would have considered an unplanned pregnancy an inconvenient alteration of my D.I.N.K. (dual income, no kids) lifestyle. Even an infringement of my right to drink bloody marys or shop at JCrew at the drop of a hat. I've since changed. Period. Nothing makes you appreciate life more than knowing you are the most important host to the life inside you. When I heard my baby's heartbeat today at my doctors appointment I felt that feeling of gratitude all over again.

We have a long way to go in the way of healing, helping and bettering our entire world, not just our already gifted-beyond-belief nation. It is only through this uncommon dialogue we can increase our awareness.

Thank you for allowing me these ramblings.

Your friend, and fellow contributor, beth michelle smith

Submitted by Craig Dennis- February, 11-

Hi all, I think it is great what you are doing with the site. My name is Craig Dennis. I am a web-developer by day and a singer/song-writer by birth, living in Los Angeles. I originate from the Tempe/Phoenix area. Beth Smith sent me the link.

I wrote this the day after the attacks, and find myself feeling more and more like this as days go's pretty raw and uncensored, but what can you do? I figured I'd share this with you and everyone.

I Am
by 7'Moustache

I am human.
I am demanding to know why these acts were done by other humans.
I am demanding more than just that they were "evil."
I am demanding to know why one would risk their lives to send a message.

I am afraid to know the answer.
I am afraid to hear that we did not listen.
I am afraid to hear that we knew, and did not listen.
I am afraid that this act was because it was felt that it was the only way that they could be heard.
I am afraid we have had this problem before.
I am deathly afraid that we will have it again.
I am listening.

I am American.
I am not proud.
I am not proud of not having pride.
I am not backing up the decision to kill humans.
I am not backing up a decision that will make anyone feel, on any scale,
what we felt that day.
I am not willing to make anyone listen through violence.
I am not going to agree that this is the solution to the problem.
I am not going to agree that the message we are sending "We won't listen, and we will make sure you never talk again" is the right one.
I am not going to agree that that message is safe, healthy, or productive.
I am not ignoring the fact that America isn't accepting any blame.
I am not ignoring ignorance.
I am not ignoring the fact that everyone needs to listen to everyone.
I am not forgetting that everyone wants and needs peace.
I am not listening to media manipulation, but, I am listening.

I am human.
I am proud.
I am overjoyed to see the amount of help, love, and brotherhood.
I am hoping that this will continue.
I am believing that we need this attitude all of the time.
I am sorry that it took an issue like this to make it happen.
I am believing that those who lost their innocent lives would feel the same way.
I am wishing that I was more involved in understanding issues like this.

I am going to be.
I am realizing daily that the way we live is not worth it.
I am realizing that there is more to life than a flat screen television and two half-ton SUV's.
I am realizing that I would not give my life, or even 40 hours a week, for that American dream.
I am going to work and act differently.
I am realizing that it is humanity that I am proud of.
I am listening.

I am one.
I am frightened.
I am not saying I know the answers.
I am not saying that I would want to be or could be in a place to make the decisions.
I am saying how I feel.
I am wondering if I am alone.
I am scared in knowing that this meathead driven power represents me to others.
I am not willing to die for those beliefs, but am afraid that I might,
that we all might.
I am not able to listen to talk radio.
I am having a hard time believing the hatred towards innocent people.
I am not able to say that if I was directly related to those innocent people in the buildings that I wouldn't feel the same way.
I am confused.
I am mourning.
I am not sure why I am writing this, but,
I am listening.
I am begging you to do the same, listen to what you are feeling, understand it and own it, it is yours, and it is okay.
I am listening.

Feel free to use this if you want it,
--Craig Dennis

Submitted by Jamie McKnight- February, 11-

I am Jenna McKnight's sister, Jamie. I wanted to tell you that I am amazed by your website! I hear that is your first creation on the web! You did an extraordinary job compiling, organizing, and creating this beautiful masterpiece! It is continuously luring, and very well designed. So, good job! Thanks for helping my sis out!
Jamie McKnight