717 Wing box

(Click on images to enlarge)


In this section you may take a look at some pictures of the design, making and assembly of my reproduction of a part of the Boeing 717 wing box.

The part of the wing box, that I have attempted to design, corresponds to the one, between the 2 black lines, in the picture below.



The designing has been possible to the great CAD tool called CATIA. The next pictures are meant to show the design of it, while the other pictures show what it looks like after creating all parts and assembling them.

These are the CATIA design pictures:





These  are some pictures that show the making and assembly of the wing box.












I understand that the quality of the pictures is not very good, but at least you can start getting an idea of what it looks like.

The object of adding a transparent foil of Plexiglas, is to let observers to see the inside part of the structure, which is always hidden. Instead, I've added an aluminum foil at the bottom part, because it gives more the idea of how it looks like in reality. The 2 holes are meant to show, what it looks like to the person who needs to inspection the structure.

Suggestions or critics are more than welcome. I still have a lot to learn and i think that the best way is receiving good critics.


                                                                                           Sandro Bernardini  


