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9 Tips to diagnose remote GNU/Linux server network connectivity issues
Many new admin or Linux users get frustrated when their remote Linux box is not accessible dues to network connectivity. You can try these tips/tools to diagnose an issue of Linux network connectivity to remote or local servers
9 Tips to diagnose remote GNU/Linux server network connectivity issues
Many new admin or Linux users get frustrated when their remote Linux box is not accessible dues to network connectivity. In this article I will try to provide tools and information about how to diagnose network configurations
IBM wants to shrink the Linux server installed base
IBM says the 1.6 million stand-alone Linux servers running in enterprise data centers is too many. It's not Linux IBM has a thing against; it's the physical server hardware running the operating system. read more
How to secure your SSH server
Personally I’ve enabled public-key authentication and SSH scanner filter to secure my server at the advice of my friend from a local security firm. http://blog.drinsama.de/erich/en/linux/2007021502-false-sense-of-security
Booting a SPARC machine off a Linux NFS server
Forum: Linux - Networking Posted By: uFu Post Time: 02-20-2007 at 10:52 PM
FTP Server that works on Windows and Linux
Forum: Linux - Software Posted By: VicRic Post Time: 02-20-2007 at 09:48 PM
Linux as Wifi Hotspot Server
Fedora: Linux as Wifi Hotspot Server
Microsoft, Novell Detail Their Linux-Windows Road Map
To help businesses create virtual server farms with hardware running Windows and Linux, Microsoft and Novell plan products that will let users host SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 as a "virtualized guest" on upcoming releases of Windows
super slow speeds from director
Hi gang, We've been running a 3 machine setup (1 dir, 2 rs) in TUN mode for about the past 2 months. Recently we've had this affliction where if
Linux switches off my NIC, VMware briged is no longer working
My Linux Suse 10.2 (kernel 2.6.18) switches off my eth0 device when no RJ45-plug is plugged in. So my WinXP guest has no connection to my linux

Linux - Small Business Server
Soluzione pacchettizzata di Server Linux per piccole reti locali.
lf247, SystemAdministration: Sostituire un Server Windows NT/2000
Un server Linux equipaggiato con SAMBA e propriamente configurato può Ebbene questo server può esser sostituito con il nostro server Linux/SAMBA.
lf236, Hardware: Un pannello di controllo LCD per il Vostro server
Difatti se il server si dovesse bloccare, il programma non ri-definirebbe più il corretto timeout inducendo il watchdog ad attivarsi. So che un server Linux
RISORSE.NET - Lato server: Linux o Windows?! <- Magazine
L&#39;eterna sfida lato server: Linux o Windows?! Lo abbiamo chiesto a due guru del Web italiano: Roberto Scano, presidente di Iwa Italia, nonché neo eletto
Managed Server Linux .: TOL.IT - Knowledge Base
FAQ generiche Hosting Linux Hosting Windows Posta Elettronica Registrazione Domini Server Dedicati Servizio di Hosting .
ZIRAK Engineering Sistemistica Linux e Windows. Assistenza server
ZIRAK Engineering Sistemistica Linux e Windows. Assistenza server Linux, Windows, AS/400, Oracle. Sicurezza informatica. Mondově (Cuneo), Piemonte.
rete con server linux
Il sistema operativo utilizzato nel server e&#39; LINUX, un sistema sviluppato per la rete, gratuito, molto flessibile ed ampliabile con software free o di
Hosting Solutions - server dedicati
Le nostre offerte di housing sono raggruppate in due categorie: Server dedicati Windows 2000, 2003 / .NET e Server dedicati Linux RedHat.
Apogeonline - Linux Server per l'amministratore di rete
Chiunque lavori come amministratore di rete in una piccola o media impresa,si trova di fronte a una serie di compiti: impostare un server di posta
Amministrazione avanzata di server Linux
Amministrazione avanzata di server Linux e&#39; uno strumento importante per capire ed implementare i servizi di rete in ambiente Linux. server+linux: server dedicati linux , linux fax server , server dedicati linux , linux fax server , server+linux
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