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Évariste galois
radicals, thereby solving a long-standing problem. His work laid the fundamental foundations for Galois theory, a groupe) as a technical term in mathematics to represent a

Abiator's Active Classroom: Maths Problem Solving Index
mathematics problem solving practice activities. From Level 2 - Level 5/Key Stage 2 (UK).
Abiator's Active Classroom: Maths Problem Solving: VARIOUS
New Zealand and UK curriculum-based mathematics problem solving practice activities featuring a wide variety of mathematical knowledge/understanding areas.
Success in Mathematics
Tips on how to study mathematics, how to approach problem-solving, how to study for and take tests, and when and how to get help.
The Standards Site: Mathematics: Problem solving
Taken from the leafet Problem solving: A CPD pack to support the learning and teaching of mathematical problem solving published by the Primary National
An interactive tutorial teaching problem solving strategies and skills in Mathematics from Upper Primary to Upper Secondary.
Math Word Problems for Children
The goal of this math website is to help elementary and middle school children boost their math problem solving and critical-thinking skills. has over 15000
Art of Problem Solving
The Art of Problem Solving online school invites top students from around the challenge in mathematics, and those students preparing for MATHCOUNTS,
Web Math
Are you stuck on a math problem? We'd like to help you solve it. Inequalities, Graphing, Inequalities, Solving, Interest, Compound, Interest, Simple
Synthesis of Research on Problem Solving
The basis for most mathematics problem solving research for secondary school Wilson (51) conducted a year long inservice mathematics problem solving
Problem-solving in Mathematics
The specific goals of problem-solving in Mathematics are to:. 1. Improve pupils' willingness to try problems and improve their perseverance when solving mathematics+problem+solving: mathematics+problem+solving
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