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New Stories from Alice Munro NPR
Fresh Air from WHYY , November 27, 2006 · Short story master Alice Munro would be justified in resting on her laurels at this point in her career -- she’s won Canada’s Governor General's Literary Award three times, and the National Book Critics Circle Award.
Alice Wignall: a year in the lives of a group of students Guardian Unlimited
Alice Wignall follows a year in the lives of a group of students.
Alice in Chains rekindles power of old Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Playing to a capacity crowd Friday night at the Paramount Theatre, Seattle rock band Alice in Chains offered hometown fans a blast of old-school grunge that recalled the group's glory days on the Seattle scene.
A candid peek behind scenes of Burstyn's life San Francisco Chronicle
For most of her public life, Ellen Burstyn was amazingly lucky. Respected for her acting, a six-time Oscar nominee and winner for the 1974 movie "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore," Burstyn managed to enjoy success without the inconvenience of becoming a major
Go ask, Alice Kansas City Star
Alice Munro’s The View From Castle Rock is frankly autobiographical. Her 12th collection contains stories that turn on the rules, spoken and unspoken, underlying the behavior of generations of family members. Characters are constrained by these codes, or strain against them, with varying success. This family is Alice Munro’s own.
ABC's 'Big Day' weds quirky characters, subplots Louisville Courier-Journal
"Big Day," a new show that premieres at 9 tonight on ABC, begins with a household in the middle of setting up for the wedding day of Alice (Marla Sokoloff) and Danny (Josh Cooke). Each episode in the show's run will focus on one hour of that day. The first chapter follows what happens between 8 and 9 a.m. — and a lot does.
Brighten a Christmas: Day 6 The Advocate
Today's featured family has two children, James and Alice. They come from a single-parent household where their mom has been having trouble paying the bills because of medical expenses.
Pan's Labyrinth Evening Standard
Even though you could call Guillermo del Toro's beautifully made and strongly imagined fantasy a magic-realist spin on Alice in Wonderland, it's definitely not a children's film.
Mekeisha's pick: 'Big Day' Detroit News
After a scheduling hiatus, ABC's "Big Day" will finally see the TV light when it debuts tonight. Fizzy with one-liners, the audience-free comedy surrounds Alice (Marla Sokoloff, "Dude, Where's My Car") and Danny (Josh Cooke, "Four Kings") on their hectic wedding day. Everything that can go wrong does, of course, as family and friends push this already odd couple over the edge. Detroit girl Miriam
Remember Alice? Light Reading
9:00 AM -- It was a Thanksgiving tradition, at least around these parts, for certain radio stations to give Arlo Guthrie 's "Alice's Restaurant" a spin.

Musica, Calcio, Giochi, Film, Notizie, Community: RossoAlice
Calcio Live - Abbonati alla tua Squadra del cuore Rosso Alice, i primi 2 mesi sono GRATIS! Rosso Alice ti offre ogni giorno:
Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie (Multimediale)
Questa versione 'on line' delle avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie rappresenta la storia completa scritta da Lewis Carroll ma con l'aggiunta di
Radio Alice
Maurizio diceva " Alice ha una storia, ma non ha memoria", ma io si, di molte cose mi Nel febbraio del 1976 era nata Radio Alice, dopo molti mesi di
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