Roma, 19th April 2001

    Dearest brothers and sisters, devoted, friends of our beloved MOTHER BLESSED. MARY OF MOUNT CARMEL, at last off we are ready to start off!!!

    In the marian carmelite year that wishes to commemorate the 750th year since the SCAPULAR gift, a large Carmelite meeting to

    Our mother Mary, for her ineffable show of motherly love and care, just could not be missing.

    Not only do we wish to thank Mary but also His holiness, Pope JOHN PAUL II, for his frequent show of love and affection for the scapular devotion, the latest example being the LETTER dated 25th March sent to the two General Superiors of the Carmelite Order –traditional and reformed – on the value and the novelty of this devotion (letter in which the Pope says «I have been wearing the Carmelite scapular on my heart for several years!»).

    For this reason we will all gather in St. Peter for the audience the Pope has granted to us to worship our dear Heavenly Mum together and to crown Her in all her children’s presence


    Unfortunately we have very little time to take care of everything (that date was chosen as it coincides with the GENERAL CARMELITE CHAPTER IN ROME A.O.), but we must not get discouraged: our commitment is to fill St. Peter’s Square up!!! We want to the Pope to see that He is not the only one wearing the scapular but that there are many who live and love this devotion and that His letter has not fallen onto the desert, but into the hearts of all those who love Mary!

    We understand that we are asking a large organisational commitment, but we strongly believe that for Mary we are all ready to make this effort and even more.

    It is necessary for each group to send the REGISTRATION FORM AND FEE, WITHIN MAY 31st, in order to work out the likely number of the event attendants.

Also it is very important to spread the news to brotherhoods, parish and ordinary churches, groups of faithfuls: let everyone read this message. Each Carmelite faithful must pass it by all means: word, telephone, fax, e-mail, leaflet distribution. That nobody may say one day: «I was not there because I did not know about it!».

    «OPERA ROMANA PELLEGRINAGGI»IS IN CHARGE OF THE ENTIRE ORGANISATION (Piazza Pio XII, 9 00193 Città del Vaticano tel. 06.6988.5800 fax 06.6988.5673 e-mail: info@orpnet.org) THEREFORE CONTACT THEM FOR INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION.

For further information You may also contact:

P. LUCIO M. ZAPPATORE, O. Carm., Parrocchia S.Maria Regina Mundi, v. A. Barbosi,6 00169 ROMA

tel. 06.263798 fax 06.23269025 e-mail: mariareginamundi@libero.it

CENTRO STAMPA CARMELITANO, v.le del Monte Oppio, 28 00184 ROMA Tel. Fax 06.4819981 E-mail: carmel@mclink.it

P. RAFAEL MENDOZA, O.C.D., Procurator General, Corso d’Italia, 38 00198 Roma

tel. 06.85443276 fax 06.85350206 E-mail: ocdproc@pcn.net

More information and details available on the event webnsite: http://digilander.iol.it/materdecorcarmeli   E-mail: materdecorcarmeli@libero.it

Let’s get busy then: good luck everyone, that Our lady may blessingly watch over us.

«Lift up your eyes and look around; they all gather together, they come to you; your sons shall come from far away, and your daughters shall be carried on their nurses’ arms. Then you shall see and be radiant; your heart shall thrill and rejoice….." (Isaiah, 60, 4-5) that Heaven let Isaiah’s prophecy come true for this meeting between the Virgin Mary and her children!!

P. Lucio Maria Zappatore

Event Joint Commission O. Carm. – O.C.D.