Kostic, A.  (1995) : Judgment of Emotions and Personal Traits from Facial Expressions, Facta Universitatis, vol. 1. n. 2. pages. 175-180, - To read the full text in PDF format, click here

My purpose was to examine wheter facial expressions provide to observers  sufficient informations to distinguish accurately which of six basic affective states (emotions) is being experienced by another persons they could judge only throught seeing male's and female's white and black photographs.
For this reason, two hundred ten male and female students were enrolled. They saw six photographs; then I asked them to give to the photos the attribute than best described affective reactions of the person showed in the picture.
Overall,  accurary was significantly greater than chance.
The second aim of this study was to find wheter emotional facial expressions could be a source of informations in perceiving someone's personality.
There was a significant agreement in choosing personality traits for the persons observed in the photographs.

Kostic, A. (1995: Perceiving primary Emotions from spontaneus facial Expressions,  Psihologija, XXVII, broj, n. 1-2, pages 101-108

The basic question examined in this research was the question of the communicability of spontaneous facial expressions. In other words: are spontaneous facial expressions a reliable source of informations about basic emotional states? Do facial expressions provide observers sufficient informations to distinguish six primary emotions (happines, sadness, fear, surprise, disgust and anger) from one neutral?
Subject's facial expressions used as stimulus material were covertly videotaped, when they watched emotionally loaded film sequences.
The Facial Action Scoring System (FACS, 1978) was uses to identify the relevant features of each emotion.
After  having watched each of the emotional expression for 10 seconds, we asked to a sample of students (511) to decide whitch of the offered terms best described the specif emotions observed.
The accuracy criterion of recognition for each of the spefic emotions was based on the direct measurement of the facial behavior elements moved, as well as on the observer's agreement over the recognized emotion, and the experimenter's knowledge about the causes of the emotions showed.
The research proves that there is a difference in the perceiving posed and spontaneous facial expressions. Moreover, female observers proved being better judges of some spontaneous facial expressions than male ones.

Kostic, A. (1985): Facial emotional expressions and Possibilities for Mesuring facial Movements, Zbornik Filozofskog faculteta u Nisu, Knijga IX, pages 137-144.

In this article I have discussed one type of information shown by one's face: the information about emotions. My purpose has been to show facial importance in displaying emotional states during human interactions.
Temporary changes in feeling, emotions such as fear, surprise, anger, disgust, sadness, happiness can be signaled through the rapid contractions of the facial muscles, which move the skin of the face and temporarily change the shape and even the position of some facial features. These movements causes wrinkles, pouches, bags and bulges that appear for some istant on the face. Most researchers suggest that people can recognize and interpret these emotional signals*.

*The article reports a new method of describing facial movements based on an anatomical analysis of facial action (Ekman and Friesen, 1976, 1977). The Facial Action Coding System distinguishes more than 10 000 different facial actions. It is a very elaborate system, more comprehensive than any previous system by quite a margin. There is no facial action described by other systems which cannot be described by FACS and there are many
behaviours described by FACS not previously distinguished by others.