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a sei mesi dal massacro delle Torri Gemelle, si estende il movimento per la pace

9-11peace Action for Justice, not War

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Dear friends,

It was six months ago today that commercial jets crashed into the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and the terrible impact of those
collisions continues to reverberate throughout our lives.

In the days and weeks after September 11th, you joined half a million
other people from around the world in signing the 9-11peace petition
and urging world leaders to exercise restraint in their response. 
Now, six months later, we're writing to brief you on our progress.

The petition that you were part of was a great success.  With
participants form 192 countries, widespread media attention, and even
a personal response from Tony Blair, we are confident that our message
was heard. 

Since the petition, we have expanded 9-11peace into an ongoing
grassroots action network.  9-11peace is now a campaign of MoveOn.org,
an organization that helps people influence national leaders through
the internet.  9-11peace action alerts reach hundreds of thousands
worldwide; in recent months members have sent close to 100,000 emails
to world leaders, made thousands of phone calls, and written hundreds
of letters to newspapers. 

But unfortunately it appears the work for peace is just beginning.
The Bush administration has declared a permanent state of war, without
clearly identified goals or an endpoint, which is a threat to us all.
And the international structures that can support a democratic and
just response to terrorism are just now being built.

Six months after September 11th, it is time for a memorial.  The best
way we can imagine to pay our respects is by making a commitment to
creating a better world, a world in which terrorism and war are only
a bad memory.  We invite you to join us in this most important work.

To learn more about prospects for peace, we offer free, weekly email
briefings on topics related to September Eleventh and the War on
Terrorism.  You can join the bulletin quickly and easily by going to:

I've attached a sample of the bulletin below.

Thank you for your support and attention.  We look forward to
working with you in the years to come.


- Eli Pariser
  The 9-11peace Campaign
  March 11, 2002

For more information on the 9-11peace Campaign, please visit:


Read online, subscribe, or unsubscribe at:
Bulletin Editor: Susan V. Thompson

1. Introduction: Hope for the Future
2. One Link
3. An Introduction to the ICC
4. 9-11 and the ICC
5. Special Feature: Bulletin Survey Results
6. Recommended Reading
7. Get Involved
8. About the Bulletin

"The establishment of the International Criminal Court will be a watershed moment for the progression of humankind. "
-- "What's New" section, Canadian ICC website

When President Bush defined the events of September 11 as an act of war, he set the stage for a military response.  There was an alternative, however.  The terrorist attacks could have been defined as crimes against humanity, and the perpetrators tried before some kind of ad hoc international court.  This could have saved the thousands of civilian lives that have been lost in Afghanistan, while still acknowledging the magnitude of the loss that America suffered on 9-11 and bringing the perpetrators to justice.
Unfortunately, the Bush administration did not choose this option, and the war on terrorism continues, seemingly without end.

Perhaps this option would have been more appealing if there were already a permanent international judicial body in place.  The good news is that by the end of this year, there will be.  60 countries need to ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in order for it to be established, and currently, there are 139 signatories and 52 ratifications, the most recent ratifications being those of Portugal and Ecuador on February 5, 2002.  It is estimated that the last eight countries could ratify as soon as March, with the court becoming fully empowered well before the end of 2002.  In the future, there will be an international body with the ability to intervene in incidents like those of Sept. 11 and ensure that justice, not revenge, prevails.

This week, we take a brief look at the new international criminal court, and the United States' continued resistance to it.

Next Week: Defining terrorism.

The ICC is close to reality as the 50th country ratifies. However, the US continues to oppose its creation.  This article is an excellent summary of the current state of the ICC, with a focus on the American policies that have so far barred US participation.

A one-page introduction to the ICC and its relation to Sept.
11 which features details about how it will work.  Also
includes a link to a letter-writing campaign focused on
lobbying US Senators to support ratification.

An alphabetical listing that provides the signing and
ratification status of every country, including a detailed
but concise explanation of the United States' current status
on this issue.  You can easily locate and read about your
own country.  Links to related resources and groups for each
country are also included.

A short ICC timeline that places the move to create an
international court in the context of the World Wars.

Frequently asked questions about the ICC.

According to the UN, the WTC attacks demonstrate that the
ICC is needed.

A Harvard law professor argues that the ICC would be an
ideal way to try the perpetrators of the WTC attacks.
However, since it is not yet fully functional, she describes
an alternative way to try those involved that would include
the international community.

We'd like thank everyone who participated in last week's
survey.  The response has been overwhelmingly positive.  We
especially appreciate your comments and topic suggestions.
This sort of specific feedback is invaluable in helping us
continue to improve the quality of the bulletin.

We'd also like to thank everyone who has volunteered with
9-11Peace.org.  Your hard work is an essential part of
spreading the message of peace, and with the new volunteers
we've gained this week, we hope to make this message even
more effective.

Here are just a few of our favorite comments :

"Not only is this bulletin informative, but it does a good
job of covering the stuff which everyone else chooses to
forget about - i.e., the most important stuff."

"This makes me more hopeful about the future of mankind. It
also makes me proud to belong to the human race."

"You're a voice of well-researched and well-presented sanity
in a country that's besotted with mindless militarism."

Another World Is Possible: New World Disorder

Edited by: Jee Kim et al.
Subway & Elevated Press

This excellent book is a collection of essays, pictures,
articles, e-mail messages, and other relevant information
that remembers, mourns, and examines the events of Sept. 11
from a variety of progressive perspectives.  It's also a
conversation sparking campaign, meant to help raise
questions, such as "what can we do?"

To order, send $12.00 per book to:
New Mouth from the Dirty South
PO Box 19742
New Orleans, LA 70179-0742
or order online at:

If you would like us to include an action, giving idea, news
article, or source in the bulletin, please write to
bulletin@9-11peace.org and describe your item in the subject

The 9-11Peace.org bulletin is looking for volunteers to help
us with research. If you think you've got the time,
know-how, and energy to do this well, please write to Eli or
Susan at editor@9-11peace.org. Put "Volunteer" in the
subject line, and add a brief paragraph summarizing your
experience and interest.

We apologize if you have sent us an e-mail and we have not
gotten back to you yet. Our response time will be slow until
we can get some more volunteers working on this aspect of

The 9-11Peace.org bulletin is a weekly newsletter providing
resources, news, and action ideas to over 25,000 people
around the world. The full text of the bulletin is online at
http://www.9-11peace.org/bulletin.php3; users can subscribe
to the bulletin at that address also. The bulletin is a
project of 9-11Peace.org. Contact bulletin@9-11peace.org for
more information.
This is a message from the 9-11peace campaign of MoveOn.org.
If you wish to remove yourself from this list, please visit
our subscription management page at