Prime Magic Squares
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In the 1992 I see this prime magic square in the number 114 of McMicrocomputer magazine. How you can see the square is of order 12, and the inserted numbers are all primes:

       1  823 821 809 811 797  19  29 313  31  23  37
       89  83 211  79 641 631 619 709 617  53  43 739
       97 227 103 107 193 557 719 727 607 139 757 281
      223 653 499 197 109 113 563 479 173 761 587 157
      367 379 521 383 241 467 257 263 269 167 601 599
      349 359 353 647 389 331 317 311 409 307 293 449
      503 523 233 337 547 397 421  17 401 271 431 433
      229 491 373 487 461 251 443 463 137 439 457 283
      509 199  73 541 347 191 181 569 577 571 163 593
      661 101 643 239 691 701 127 131 179 613 277 151
      659 673 677 683  71  67  61  47  59 743 733  41
      827   3   7   5  13  11 787 769 773 419 149 751
In detail, the numbers are the first N*N primes, where the prime 2 is substitute with 1 (because if we use an even number, we can not obtain the magic constant), and the magic constant is equal to 4514.

The above square was created by J. N. Muncey in 1913!
Murcey also demonstrate that the order 12 is the smallest order for this type of magic square.

Well, there is of that stay awake the night (because he founds those results when a computer don't exist)!

After saw this square, I wanted to study this category of magic squares, but I had little time for research, so the first results have been had only in late 1996, and the final result is today not reached.
I don't know if other people have study this squares, so if the algorithms that I have build are similar (or the same) that eventually other people, the only thing that I could tell is that the world is small.
Remember that you can download all the programs that I have use (sources).

Magic Square Research Tognon Stefano Research