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Open Question: Should yahoo do a better job deleting answers that
or other conventional treatment and start using herbs or vitamins for a "cure." This kind of stuff is flat out dangerous, people may actually listen and quit their therapy to try some alternative practice that doesnt work and die.
Comment on Can I change my diet to help with fibroids? by EclecticGeek
You had a duplicate post so I deleted one. I hope that’s OK. Please see this alternative therapy post in the Forum. One person has posted about Neprinol. Is there a natural alternative therapy or treatment for uterine fibroids
Eugene Volokh on Alternative Justifications for Abortion Rights
No proven therapies offer help. An experimental therapy seems safe, because it has right to try to save her life by hiring a doctor to administer the therapy. may save Katherine's, and an experimental treatment may save Ellen's.
Massage Therapy
The treatment works so well, in fact, that Massage therapists are being sought out As a result, massage therapy programs throughout the country have been Massage Therapy is an alternative approach to medicine that is being used
Alternative medicine for treating cancer
A larger study of Alternative medicine use in patients with different types of least one form alternative medicine along with the conventional treatment. Pancreatic enzyme therapy along with specialized diet for the treatment of
Alternative Medicine for the Treatment of Depression in Teenagers
Some treatment options that teens have found helped with their depression are: • Art Therapy • Changing to a balanced and nutritional diet • Energy therapies like acupressure, acupuncture, reiki, qi gong, or thai chi • Yoga By combating
Is there a natural alternative therapy or treatment for uterine
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) So, you haven’t found any information on natural therapies? Now, let’s hear about your experiences with alternative therapies. Good or bad.
Comment on Is there a natural alternative therapy or treatment for
Mimi,. How long did you try Neprinol? Their site refers to something they call “Enzymatic Detoxification”. The site has this statement:. Enzymatic Detoxification which can sometimes be uncomfortable. Symptoms such as headache, fatigue,
Breast Cancer: Scientific Literature On Alternative Treatments
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) are becoming increasingly popular in regimens used for the adjuvant treatment of early-stage breast cancer, alternative therapies, breast cancer, breast cancer alternative treatment,
Just what are your uterine fibroid tumor treatment options?
Is there a natural alternative therapy or treatment for uterine fibroids? I’m going to add a comment with the uterine fibroid treatment options I picked. Feel free to do the same or leave your thoughts, concerns or questions concerning

Treatment Information by Treatment or Therapy
NCCAM: National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine: National Immuno-Augmentation Therapy and Naltrexone for the Treatment of Cancer
Alternative Medicine, Complementary Medicine, Integrative Medicine
Objective information on all aspec of health and treatment options available. All major alternative therapy is covered in depth therapies such as
Complementary and Alternative Medicine National Cancer Institute
Healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies used in addition to, or instead of, Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)
Complementary and Alternative Medicine National Cancer Institute
Some complementary and alternative therapies may interfere with standard treatment or may be harmful when used with conventional treatment.
A Special Message to Cancer Patien Seeking "Alternative" Treatmen
We strongly recommend that you avoid any "alternative" cancer treatment discussed on and alternative therapies" too bland to provide practical guidance.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine - National Cancer Institute
Healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies used in addition to, or instead of, Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)
Complementary and Alternative Medicine - National Cancer Institute
Some complementary and alternative therapies may interfere with standard treatment or may be harmful when used with conventional treatment.
A Special Message to Cancer Patients Seeking "Alternative" Treatments
We strongly recommend that you avoid any "alternative" cancer treatment discussed on and alternative therapies" too bland to provide practical guidance.
Complementary & Alternative Medicine: Cancer Treatment Centers of
Cancer hospitals for patients who believe in conventional treatments combined with complementary cancer nutrition therapy. Please visit our site for
Cancer Treatment Information—Chemotherapy, Radiation Oncology, and
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is presently putting forth a research initiative through the NCCAM to study complementary and alternative therapies.
M. D. Anderson Cancer Center - Complementary/Integrative Medicine
Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and complementary and integrative medicine (CIM) are therapies of proven or unproven efficacy that have been
FSD Online Slides: herbal therapy, alternative medicine, treatment
Educational resources (slide library and streaming media) for health professionals on female sexual dysfunction risks (depression, menopause, estrogen and
The Body: Beyond Medications: Healthy Living for HIVers
From National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Using Natural Therapies to Make HIV Treatment Even More Effective (Winter 2005)
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