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Computing Catches Up With Theory: Modeling The Formation Of Blood Clots Science Daily
New computing tools have allowed Peter Richardson, a professor of engineering and physiology at Brown University, to test ideas about blood flow and clotting that he first proposed over 30 years ago. The collaboration with mathematics colleagues Igor Pivkin and George Karniadakis resulted in a model that integrates fluid dynamics with platelet biochemistry and could provide new insights into the
Bio-Identical Hormones are Safe and Effective Urges One of the Country's Leading Bio-Identical Doctors PR Web
Dr. C.W. Randolph, author of From Hormone Hell to Hormone Well, answers the recent questions that women and the media are asking. (PRWeb Nov 3, 2006) Trackback URI: http://www.prweb.com/zingpr.php/UHJvZi1DcmFzLUZhbHUtQ291cC1NYWduLVplcm8=
The 10 roads to Fatsville New Scientist
New Scientist tucks into the science
Bio-Identical Hormones are Safe and Effective Urges One of the Country's Leading Bio-Identical Doctors PR Web via Yahoo! News
(PRWEB) November 3, 2006 -- C. W. Randolph, R.
Deficiency In Exposure To Sunlight Linked To Ovarian Cancer Science Daily
Using newly available data on worldwide cancer incidence, researchers at the Moores Cancer Center at UCSD have shown a clear association between deficiency in exposure to sunlight, specifically ultraviolet B (UVB), and ovarian cancer.
Red Wine Molecule Extends Lifespan Of Fat Mice Lives By Reversing Obesity-Related Gene Pathways Science Daily
Researchers have used a single compound to increase the lifespan of obese mice, and found that the drug reversed nearly all of the changes in gene expression patterns found in mice on high calorie diets -- some of which are associated with diabetes, heart disease and other significant diseases related to obesity. The research is the first time that the small molecule resveratrol has been shown to
The 2006 International Research Scholars from Canada and Latin America Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Luis G. Brieba de Castro, Ph.D. Center for Research and Advanced Studies, National Polytechnic Institute Mexico City, Mexico
Steroids spotlight turns to football San Francisco Chronicle
Does the NFL have a serious steroids problem? Some baseball fans, who have become defensive in the face of the attacks, scrutiny and suspicion that doping has brought to America's Pastime, are quick to point a finger at football now that one of its star
Shell Oil attacks Irish People Indymedia Chiapas
Shell Oil is trying to steal local peoples land. Shell dumping Toxic Waste into ocean. Other unsafe and dangerous practices. Stop the Butchers from stealing our land and our resources.
Steroids focus turns to football KSHB-TV Kansas City
Does the NFL have a serious steroids problem? Some baseball fans, who have become defensive in the face of the attacks, scrutiny and suspicion that doping has brought to America's Pastime, are quick to point a finger at football now that one of its star players has tested positive for a steroid.

Human growth hormone (HGH) and anti-aging
The other dangerous hormone is cortisol, the fight-or-flight hormone, which tears down tissue, especially brain tissue. It's the opposite of human growth
Anti-aging quackery: Human growth hormone and tricks of the trade
Anti-aging quackery: Human growth hormone and tricks of the trade more dangerous than ever. Thomas T PERLS The Journals of gerontology.
Anti-Aging Medicine: The Legal Issues: Anti-Aging Quackery: Human
Anti-Aging Quackery: Human Growth Hormone and Tricks of the Trade—More Dangerous Than Ever. Thomas T. Perls. Geriatrics Section, and The New England
Ontario Genomics Institute
How can human growth hormone cause heart problems? Excess growth hormone can cause the heart to enlarge, leading to a dangerous condition called
Steroids, though dangerous, do have redeeming qualities / When
Human growth hormone, produced in the pituitary, is the main growth and because they are dangerous substances that can cause irreversible harm,
Aging In The 21st Century, Steve Kroft Reports On The New Field Of
For some, treatment includes substances like human growth hormone. would get ballplayers banned and are considered by many to be downright dangerous.
NEJM -- Can Growth Hormone Prevent Aging?
Anti-Aging Medicine: The Legal Issues: Anti-Aging Quackery: Human Growth Hormone and Tricks of the Trade--More Dangerous Than Ever.
Expert Blogs Behind the Headlines - Human Growth Hormone: Anti
Human Growth Hormone: Anti-Aging Wonder Drug? Posted by Simeon Margolis, M.D., Ph.D. Who knows whether there are dangerous long-term effects?
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