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'Muscle' protein drives prostate cancer EurekAlert!
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have for the first time implicated the muscle protein myosin VI in the development of prostate cancer and its spread.
Muscle protein linked to prostate cancer spread New Kerala
Washington, Nov 9: Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Centre have found a potential link between the muscle protein myosin VI and prostate cancer.
Stem cell jabs for heart attack victims ITN via Yahoo! UK & Ireland News
Doctors are to use stem cell treatment on heart attack patients in a pioneering attempt to prevent death and suffering.
Cell transfer for heart patient BBC News
A heart patient undergoes an experimental operation to repair scar tissue with leg muscle cells.
Stem cell jabs for heart attack victims ITV.com
Doctors are to use stem cell treatment on heart attack patients in a pioneering attempt to prevent death and suffering. The 50 patients will have the stem cells from their own bone marrow injected into their hearts within the critical five hours after suffering a heart attack.
Stem-cell injection to save lives The Herald
Heart-attack victims are to be injected with their own stem cells in an attempt to save lives and reduce long-term suffering. The potentially life-saving therapy will be tested for the first time in London, with a follow-up trial planned for Scotland, the UK Stem Cell Foundation said last night.
Setting the Record Straight: Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Newswise
William M. Caldwell, IV, Chief Executive Officer of Advanced Cell Technology, Inc. today issued this statement to the media and the investment community.
Cell transfer for heart patient Great News Network
Leicester, England, UK - A man who has had six heart attacks is one of the first UK patients to undergo an experimental cell transfer. The research team in Leicester said one advantage of this procedure was that the cells were from the patient's own leg.
Stem cell jabs for heart patients BBC News
Doctors launch a trial to test whether heart attacks can be treated using a patient's own stem cells.
Brits to trial stem cell treatment for heart attack victims News-Medical-Net
In an experimental treatment which aims to prevent heart failure and death following a heart attack, doctors in Britain will trial a treatment which uses a patients own stem cells.

Smooth muscle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As non-striated muscle, the actin and myosin is not arranged into distinct sarcomeres that form orderly bands throughout the muscle cell.
A method for localisation of the muscle cell and the motor end
formed immediately above the muscle cell, which was coloured brown with l A schematic presentation of the one-cell muscle layer preparation and the
Trichinella spiralis: X-ray analysis of the nurse cell-muscle
muscle fibre. Acta Parasitol Pol 18:1–6. Gabryel P, Gustowska L, Blotna-Filipiak M (1995) The unique. and specific transformation of muscle cell infected
Muscle Tissue
The characteristic striations seen are a result of the orderly arrangement of actin and myosin filaments within the muscle cell (seen well on the slide on
Howstuffworks "How Cells Work"
Introduction to How Cells Work, Cell Parts, Enzymes, Proteins, Enzymes at Work Our muscles are made of muscle cells, our livers of liver cells,

A method for localisation of the muscle cell and the motor end
formed immediately above the muscle cell, which was coloured brown with l A schematic presentation of the one-cell muscle layer preparation and the
Trichinella spiralis: X-ray analysis of the nurse cell-muscle
muscle fibre. Acta Parasitol Pol 18:1–6. Gabryel P, Gustowska L, Blotna-Filipiak M (1995) The unique. and specific transformation of muscle cell infected
Muscle Tissue
The characteristic striations seen are a result of the orderly arrangement of actin and myosin filaments within the muscle cell (seen well on the slide on
Howstuffworks "How Cells Work"
Introduction to How Cells Work, Cell Parts, Enzymes, Proteins, Enzymes at Work Our muscles are made of muscle cells, our livers of liver cells,
Muscle fiber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A muscle fiber, also spelled muscle fibre (see spelling differences), also technically known as a myocyte, is a single cell of a muscle. Muscle fibers
Fuel-Powered Artificial Muscles -- Ebron et al. 311 (5767): 1580
This fuel-cell muscle type is in part electrochemical and uses the The fuel-cell muscle generates and capacitively stores electrical energy (which
Nanotechnology bulks up artificial muscles (March 2006) - News
The team's continuously shorted fuel-cell muscle, on the other hand, As a result, the continuously shorted fuel-cell muscle's work capability was 100
Correlations Between Corticomotoneuronal (CM) Cell Postspike
Although 20 of 48 cell-muscle pairs showed a significant correlation between cell discharge Cell-muscle covariation was quantified by computing analogue
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