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fucking rage
I don't know what he's doing here at this time. I know he had to tell a lie to be here. I don't ask. I would have, once; now i don't want to know. This is not my fault or my problem; I haven't asked him to be here.
styria @ 2006-11-16T10:10:00
You know what would be morbid? A default userpic of a tombstone, with my name on it, and change the date on it every day to match the current one
Logo Tutorials: Design Web 2.0 Style Logos In Seconds
Well, you don't need to hire any creative designers for making those web 2.0 style logos for your blog - just follow any of these tutorials. And if you hate reading instructions in text, head straight to the video tutorial.
coffins to bear logos of baseball team
"major league baseball has a marketing deal with a company called eternal image. it'll put team logos on caskets and urns. "
dharma logos | revision 30
what is the significance of the dharma initiative logo? these are various other dharma logos that appear in various places. dharma logo. this is the generic dharma logo seen on various products like a ketchup bottle in "a tale of
hidden symbols in logos
maybe these are obvious to everyone but me, but a lot of companies put hidden symbols/characters in their logos. here's a list of a few, as well as an illustration of where to find them. i think it's cool that designers put this much
how to decode those vista logos
the game where consumers get to guess whether or not the computer or peripheral they've got their eye on is compatible with the new os. as usual, microsoft has issued a set of special logos that manufacturers can put on their products
15 of the ugliest hockey logos ever
in honour of buffalo's new 'buffaslug' logo, here's a list of 15 mostly non-nhl logos that will burn your retinas. the worst must be the spur-enabled hockey skate (blade-enabled cowboy boot?) from the denver spurs
Top 10 NFL Logos
LogoDesign.com surveyed 25 "expert" designers and had them rank the NFL's top logos. Pretty cool, but in the readers' poll, the Browns' logo is ranked 2nd
Sponsored conference bags with logos on the inside
In addition, even if I got logo-free bags I have no need for 20 of them, (Of course, logo-inside bags would be given away more, which may not accomplish Perhaps the sponsors should go in for designer bags, and turn their logos

Logos Language Services - Translation, Localization, Content
7 buone ragioni per scegliere Logos, Consulta il Dizionario Logos Logos è lieta di annunciare di aver vinto il "Grands Prix Newropeans 2004"
Logos Language Services - Translation, Localization, Content
Logos Translations agency offers lation and localization services for texts, website lations and software localization, and globalization
Logos Finanziaria
Confronta e richiedi online i finanziamenti dei migliori Istituti a condizioni esclusive. Importi fino a 50.000 euro. Pre-approvazione rapida via Internet.
iloi logos

Logos Bible Software - Bible Study has never been easier!
Logos Bible Software Series X gives access to over 3500 electronic Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, and original language texts.

iloi logos

Logos Bible Software - Bible Study has never been easier!
Logos Bible Software Series X gives access to over 3500 electronic Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, and original language texts.
Logos Translations Universal Conjugator
QUOTE OF TODAY, |, DOWNLOAD THE LOGOS TOOLBAR. Copyright © 2006 Logos Group. Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License. webmaster@logos.it.
logos engineering
[Marsala, TP] Offre servizi dedicati all'ottimizzazione dei processi produttivi e delle risorse umane e consulenza per le certificazioni iso.
Google Holiday Logos
We have a variety of logos commemorating holidays and events. We've put them in this online museum for your amusement. Please do not use them elsewhere.
Logos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about logos (logoi) in ancient Greek philosophy, mathematics, rhetoric, The Greek word λόγος or logos is a word with various meanings.
Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture
Logos wants to foster a critical dialogue on modern society, politics and culture. It publishes essays and book reviews as well as new fiction and poetry.
Logos - Wikipedia
Logos è un termine greco che, nel corso dei secoli, ha indicato idee e concetti Eraclito è il primo filosofo che usi estensivamente il termine "logos".
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