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top downloaded freeware palm applications last week
here we offer you a list of top 5 palm freeware applications ordered by number of downloads made from freeware palm site. we are hoping this list will help you stay in touch with the latest trends around palm programs.
grxview lite v1.0.0
summary: grxview lite is a freeware image viewer with jpeg images support. it also includes file manager capabilities, image zoomingpanning, thumbnail view and slideshow features. you do not download grxview lite v1.0.0
noah pro english dictionary
summary: noah pro is an english dictionary for palm offering 122 thousand words, support for external memory cards such as sdmmc card or memory stick, memory-saving high compression of data, high-resolution screens, color, resident mode
kwikmaps v1.3.1
submitted: 2006-10-26. summary: kwikmaps allows you to select an address from within contacts application and loads google maps page in your web browser, showing the location of the selected address. useful for reaching friends,
freewarepalm, freeware-palm?
anybody noticed freeware-palm.com ? from looking at it i'm assuming it takes the software off of freewarepalm.com and puts it up. it's really nice, it's add free and looks better (in my opinion) than freewarepalm. it's nice to surf
clickclick alarm v1.0
summary: clickclick alarm is a desktop application that can load any midi file from your pc and install it directly to your palm, making it available as an alarm sound. clickclick alarm is as simple as it can be. the following example
event launcher v1.0
summary: event launcher is an event handler for palm os. it allows you configuration for what should happen after different palm os events, such as hotsyncs and resets. it also allows das to be launched by means of hard keys. update
manufdate v1.1
summary: displays the date of manufacture derived from serial number. palm-branded handhelds only. disclaimer: may not show correct date for all devices. download manufdate v1.1
freeware palm: hardware buttons collection v1.0
included in this package is a collection of applications which will tap the appropriate hardware buttons / silkscreen icon when you launch them. includes the home, menu, calculator (now favourite), find, hardware buttons 1-4, power,
recal v2.7
submitted: 2006-08-29. summary: recal is used to recalibrate the digitizer after a reset. recal launches the calibrate digitizer program after a soft reset or a hotsync operation. update description: v2.7 2006-08-28: - removed the

Freeware for PalmPilot - My best collection
Ottimo freeware anche in italiano per gestire le attività ed il tempo. By Andrew Duffy Il miglior freeware per Palm (TM) per gestire i propri conti.
palmare.net - Il magazine online dei palmari Palm e Pocket PC
Tips & tricks (Palm). Alcune applicazioni Freeware per Palm. I siti più importanti dove trovare software free per il Palm sono www.palmgear.com e
PalmHeads favourite freeware Palm apps
Alot of the software above still works on the Palm Tungsten W, so below I will list out all the freeware apps I use because now I have an internet ready
Must Have Treo Freeware Applications
In this article PalmInfocenter highlights some essential must have Treo freeware applications. There is a wealth of free and open source Palm OS software
Freeware for Palm phone and pda, PalmOS free downloads.
Browse more than 6300 Palm freeware downloads e-books, games, themes, video, ringtones, sport, utilities for palmos.

palmare.net - Il magazine online dei palmari Palm e Pocket PC
Tips & tricks (Palm). Alcune applicazioni Freeware per Palm. I siti più importanti dove trovare software free per il Palm sono www.palmgear.com e
PalmHeads favourite freeware Palm apps
Alot of the software above still works on the Palm Tungsten W, so below I will list out all the freeware apps I use because now I have an internet ready
Must Have Treo Freeware Applications
In this article PalmInfocenter highlights some essential must have Treo freeware applications. There is a wealth of free and open source Palm OS software
Freeware for Palm phone and pda, PalmOS free downloads.
Browse more than 6300 Palm freeware downloads e-books, games, themes, video, ringtones, sport, utilities for palmos.
Palm Cooltoys
Very Cool Palm Pilot Freeware. 30 Classic Freeware Palm Games (465k .zip) -Fully Documented. -Most of these are single .prc files, simply download the
Palm Freeware Sites
This is a list of sites specializing in Palm freeware.
Freeware Palm
FreewarePalm is the #1 internet resource and portal for 3Com Palm Pilot freeware and software applications. FreewarePalm has the most extensive archive of
Progect: freeware organizzare progetti con Palm e computer desktop
Una applicazione con licenza GPL per organizzare e tenere sotto controllo progetti di qualunque livello e complessità. Compatibile presto anche con Mac.
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