The capital of a province in Northern Italy, is formed of a group of 117 small
islands joined together by 378 bridges mostly built of stone.

  • Maria del Giglio (by Sardi, 1680, with statues of the Barbaro family); the church of the discalced (Longhena, 1649; façade by Sardi, 1693; frescoes by Tiepolo; high altar by Pozzo); S

  • At the same period Venice joined the Lombardic League, without, however, showing any excessive zeal for a cause which mattered but little to her, and thus the Peace of 1177, between and Frederic Barbarossa, was solemnized at Venice, as being a neutral city

    Immolater's Great Movies - Moonstruck (1987)
    Review by Roger Crow (positive).

  • Woman in Hair Salon Michael Barbaro ...

    Tongue Twisters in Italian
    Tongue twisters with English translations.

    Muggia / Mugls
    Die Stadt wird mit seiner Geschichte vorgestellt.

  • November 1531 kann man zum Beispiel entnehmen, dass das Schloss ursprünglich nur einen Turm gehabt haben muss, während auf einer Zeichnung des Statthalters und Podestä Marin Barbaro aus dem Jahre 1630 zwei zu sehen sind


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    September 11, 2001
    Memorial including pictures, a list of the names of the victims and a guestbook.

  • Barbara, Paul Vincent Barbaro, James William Barbella, Ivan Kyrillos F

    La reazione del 1861 a Torre le Nocelle e Montemiletto
    Il tentativo fallito, da parte dei filoborbonici di scatenare una reazione, si
    tramutò in una strage a Montemiletto.

  • In questa si diffuse una voce allarmante, che sorveniva la forza; al che si circonfusero quegli assassini, a tutt'altro badando, che al barbaro macello intrapreso
    Dedicato agli sport da combattimento, presenta informazioni, notizie ed un elenco
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    All About Madonna
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    The Venetian Index
    Electronic edition of the "Venetian Index,".

    Remembering September 11, 2001 section of tributes for those who died at the Pentagon.

    Senorbi duemila
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    itinerari, gallerie fotografiche, link utili ed informazioni su questo paese della ...

    Nardone, Alessandro
    Informazioni sul presidente di Azione Giovani e consigliere comunale a Como.
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    Notizie quotidiane per gli italiani all'estero. Archivio arretrati online.

    PRIVATE ENTERPRISE NUMBERS (last updated 2006-08-21) SMI Network ...
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