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Floral Fireworks by Jenn
Floral Fireworks by Jenn. Floral Fireworks by Jenn. Saturday, 9th December 2006. EarthShots.org
FACTBOX-Major donor pledges at Bamako bird flu summit
FACTBOX-Major donor pledges at Bamako bird flu summitReuters - Dec 8 (Reuters) - International donors met in Mali’s capital Bamako on Friday to pledge new funds to fight avian flu around the world, in addition to money promised at a
Irgendwas ist ja immer
Private Homepätsch
New video glasses for iPod: myvu's very cool
You'll look a little like an alien wearing it, or like Cyclops, that X-Men character – so you might think twice before donning MicroOptical's myvu Personal Media Viewer ($299) in public. (I actually found myself more tempted to wear the
It's Buyer Beware When Purchasing Carbon Credits [Green Wombat]
Consumersguidetocarbonoffsets_2 Before you give your sweetie a holiday gift of carbon credits to make up for that global-warming flight to Fiji and all those unncessary greenhouse gas-emitting trips to Starbucks in the Subaru,
Jimkloss:Test for YouTube video in RSS feed
This is a test blog entry. If it succeeds, you will be able to see a YouTube video embedded in the RSS feed - viewable from a feed reader. Thanks for your patience. did replaceComments
iPod Bike Hacks
bike ipod charger. Ride around the block a few times if you commute isn’t long enough to charge up your iPod. Geek Technique walks you through the steps to build a bike attachment for charging your iPod. They also cover how to wire up
East Bay Express article about photo book of realistic nudes
Mark Frauenfelder: Lauren Gard says:. I'ma reporter at the East Bay Express, based in Oakland (a sister paper to the LA Weekly, down in your neck of the woods). I've just published a cover story about an amazing photographer who has
Jimkloss:We finally open Mozie's package
You want hats? Well, we got hats. We got cool hats. We've got Mozie hats. Life doesn't get any better than this. Radio does, but life doesn't. Listener Comments:. "Got any pointy white ones?" - Pope Benedict XVI; "I've no need for a hat

Portale dedicato alla gastronomia mondiale con ricette, sagre, suggerimenti, consigli e rubriche settimanali.
La Biennale di Venezia - sito ufficiale
Sito ufficiale della manifestazione: appuntamenti, luoghi, calendari. Link ai vari web site collegati alla Biennale.
web accessibile e accessibilità dei siti internet - Webaccessibile.org
webaccessibile.org: l'accessibilità web, le linee guida: La risorsa in lingua italiana sull'accessibilità.
A/I :: Home
Il progetto No Blogs nasce dalla volontà di aggiornare l'offerta dei servizi di autistici.org / inventati.org all'evoluzione che gli strumenti della
HandyLex - Home Page
Il servizio HandyLex.org è noto ed usato ormai da un decennio dalla maggioranza degli Il sito HandyLex.org – curato dal Centro per la documentazione
Mozilla Italia
Associazione dedita alla traduzione italiana e al supporto dei prodotti della Mozilla Foundation, che comprendono browser, client di posta elettronica e
Italian Youth Hostels Association - Associazione Italiana Alberghi
hostels-aig.org.,associazione italiana alberghi per la gioventu', Associazione Italiana Alberghi per la Gioventu' aig Aig AIG, italian youth hostels
World Wide Web Consortium
International industry consortium founded in 1994 whose purpose is to develop specifications, guidelines, software, and tools to promote the Internet's
Montagna.org | Il portale della montagna
Il portale della montagna - AIM Italia. Sito ufficiale del comitato italiano per l'anno internazionale delle montagne.
WebMasterPoint.org - Webmaster, Programmazione, Manuali, Asp, Php
Risorse, servizi e manuali per webmaster italiani. Newsletter dedicate ai vari linguaggi. org: joyce meyer org | akc org | joyce meyer org | akc org | org
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