BBC - h2g2 - Chocolate

  • . van Houten invented a way to press the fat from roasted cacao beans, thus creating a means to economically produce what we would recognize as cocoa powder.
  • . In 1849, the Englishman Joseph Storrs Fry mixed sugar and cocoa butter with Houten's cocoa powder to produce the world's first chocolate bar.

    trivia about chocolate - Trivial Trivia Collections
  • . Van Houten.

    Bariloche Al día: Chocolate en Bariloche
  • . van Houten patenta un método muy económico para extraer la grasa del cacao tostado (manteca de cacao) para así poder molerlo y obtener un fino polvo que tratado con carbonatos lo hacía más soluble en agua.
  • . Posteriormente, en Inglaterra, el productor de chocolate Joseph Storrs Fry utilizando la fórmula de van Houten, combinó el polvo de cacao con azúcar y lo volvió a mezclar con la manteca de cacao, dando lugar al primer chocolate comestible.

    vida online - Chocolate
  • . Van Houten patenteou um método barato para espremer a gordura das sementes de cacau torradas.
  • . Com a sua máquina, uma prensa hidráulica, Van Houten conseguiu fabricar o cacau em pó.


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    Duc de Praslin Belgium by Gallothai - Fine Belgian Chocolade handcrafted in Thailand
  • . van Houten developed a new type of hydraulic press with which he was able to press out about half of the cocoa butter present in the paste that was formed from grinding the beans.
  • . Van Houten then went one step further and treated the powder with alkaline salts which improved its ability to mix with water.

  • . A major breakthrough occurred that year when Conrad J Van Houten a Dutch Chemist invented a press to extract cocoa butter from the bean, leaving a small dried cake that could be ground into an almost fat free powder similar of that of today.
  • . Van Houten' s press was used in England by the leading chocolate manufacturers of the day, Prominent Quaker families, Cadbury and Fry, owned two of these companies.

    Discovery of Chocolates | General Topics @
  • . van Houten patented a hydraulic press to remove cocoa butter from the beans and turned the remnants to cocoa powder. - News Articles: North Georgia's Sporting News Weather and News
  • . van Houten patented a method for extracting the fat from roasted cacao beans.

  • Benefits

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    Chocolate: A History
  • . van Houten invented a press which reduced the amount of cocoa butter, a fatty substance natural to the cocoa seed, which entered into consumable chocolate.
  • . Houten also originated the Dutch method, a process in which an alkali agent to improve the color and mild the taste.

    Theobromas - History
  • . van Houten patented a method for extracting the fat from cocoa beans and making powdered cocoa and cocoa butter.
  • . Van Houten also developed the so-called Dutch process of treating chocolate with alkali to remove the bitter taste.

    Chocolate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • . Van Houten also developed the so-called of treating chocolate with to remove the bitter taste.

    Sauce Magazine • Mmmmm ... Chocolate
  • . van Houten patented the "Dutching" method of pressing a portion of the fat out of cacao beans.



  • . Van Houten inventó una máquina que, después de moler las almendras de cacao, les exprime a presión un aceite ambarino, que es la manteca de cacao, y deja como residuo una torta oscura usada para hacer bebidas.
  • . Después de enfriado, el líquido se solidifica y, usando el mismo procedimiento inventado por el holandés Van Houten en 1828, se producen dos sustancias: la manteca y el polvo de cacao.

    Article Search Engine:
  • . van Houten patented a method for extracting the fat from cocoa beans and making powdered cocoa and cocoa butter.
  • . Van Houten also developed the so-called Dutch process of treating chocolate with alkali to remove the bitter taste.

    Art in chocolate and ice: Prajak Ngamsap at JW Marriott Resort and Spa
  • . van Houten patented a new method creating Dutch powdered chocolate with a dark colour and mild taste.

    El Beneficio del Cacao Rigel Liendo REVISTA DIGITAL CENIAP HOY N°5 2004
  • . van Houten en 1828, con un método que permitía extraer mediante prensado la grasa de las almendras de cacao.
  • . Luego van Houten probó con diferentes soluciones alcalinas (sodio y carbonato de sodio) que conferían la propiedad al polvo de cacao de disolverse con mucho más facilidad en el agua.

    Happy Indulgence® Decadent Dips™
  • . Van Houten developed a technique in which the cocoa butter content of the cacao beans could be reduced creating a fine powder known as “Cocoa”. @CallCenter