blood agar: Definition and Much More From

  • On this page: blood agar blood agar n.
  • . blood agar n.
  • . The noun blood agar has one meaning: : a culture medium containing whole blood as the nutrient agar plate streak">[1]]ed with isolated from a .
  • . An agar plate is a sterile that contains plus nutrients used to .
  • . Types of agar plates Four types of agar plates demonstrating differential growth depending on bacterial metabolism.
  • . Blood agar types Blood agar plate (BAP) Contains blood cells from an mammal (usually sheep), typically at a concentration of 5–10%.
  • . Chocolate agar (CHOC) A type of blood agar plate in which the blood cells have been ; used for growing fastidious (fussy) respiratory bacteria.
  • . Thayer-Martin agar (TM) Chocolate agar designed to isolate .
  • . The addition of bile salts and to the agar inhibits the growth of most Gram positive bacteria, making MacConkey agar selective.
  • . Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) MSA is also a selective and differential media.
  • . Neomycin agar Contains the antibiotic .

    Untitled Document
  • . La mayoría de los gérmenes (incluyendo estreptococos y corinebacterias) desarrollan en agar sangre, pero este medio no permite la recuperación de Haemophilus spp., ni neisserias patógenas (gonococos y muchas cepas de meningococos).
  • . El agar chocolate posibilita la recuperación de todos los microorganismos mencionados anteriormente.
  • . Sedimento patológico y ausencia de gérmenes: media placa de agar sangre o chocolate y media de CLDE, Levine o MacConkey.
  • . Presencia de cocos, independientemente del sedimento: placa entera de agar sangre o agar chocolate.
  • . Se debe recordar además, que en este medio no desarrollan varias especies que pueden causar IU (corinebacterias, estreptococos y otros), por lo que un sedimento patológico sin recuperación de gérmenes, o cualquier otro elemento que sugiera IU, debe promover la resiembra de la orina en agar sangre o agar chocolate, antes de asumir la muestra como "negativa".

    Hardy Diagnostics: Neisseria Gonorrhoeae Biplate; Chocolate Agar and Martin Lewis Agar
  • . The chocolate agar side will pick up any antibiotic sensitive strains of GC.

    Chocolate Agar
  • . E14 Chocolate Agar, 15x100mm Plate, 19ml 10 plates/bag Cat.
  • . H25 Chocolate Agar, 15x150mm Plate, 69ml 10 plates/bag Cat.
  • . L37 Chocolate Agar, 16x100mm Tube, 5.5ml Slant 20 tubes/box Cat.
  • . E19 Chocolate Agar with Pyridoxal, 15x100mm Plate, 20ml 10 plates/bag Cat.
  • . J42 Blood Agar, 5% / Chocolate Agar, 15x100mm Biplate, 10ml/10ml 10 plates/bag Cat.
  • . J44 Chocolate Agar / Martin Lewis Agar with Lincomycin, 15x100mm Biplate, 10ml/10ml 10 plates/bag Cat.
  • . J72 Chocolate Agar / Modified Thayer Martin (MTM) Agar, 15x100mm Biplate, 10ml/10ml 10 plates/bag Cat.
  • . S0511 Chocolate Agar CryoVial TM , 2ml CryoVial TM , 1ml Slant 50 vials/box Cat.
  • . X55 Chocolate Agar, 50ml HardyFlask TM , 12ml Slant 20 flasks/box INTENDED USE Hardy Diagnostics Chocolate Agar is recommended for use in the isolation and cultivation of fastidious organisms, particularly Haemophilus and Neisseria species.
  • . SUMMARY McLeod, et al., in 1927 developed Chocolate Agar, using a formulation incorporating yeast extract and peptones.


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    Bacteria, Lab Diagnostic Testing, The Charles T. Campbell Eye Microbiology Lab, UPMC | University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
  • . Specimen Collection: Media for Bacterial Isolation The most important culture media for isolation of bacteria from ocular locations are 1) 5% sheep's blood agar, 2) chocolate agar, and 3) mannitol salt agar.
  • . Most bacteria can be isolated on the 5% sheep's blood, but chocolate agar is necessary to isolate Haemophilus species, and nutritionally variant Streptococcus species that are frequent pathogens of conjunctivitis and keratitis.
  • . Neisseria gonorrhoeae also requires chocolate agar.
  • . Propionibacterium acnes is most efficiently isolated in enriched thioglycollate, and 5% sheep's blood and chocolate agars incubated anaerobically.
  • . 5% Sheep blood agar plate with Staphylococcus aureus growth.
  • . Conjunctiva and eyelid specimens can be plated on the same agar medium, but the laboratory must be able to distinguish between the plants.
  • . Corneal specimens can be plated on the same agar media with the conjunctiva and eyelid specimens.
  • . Breaking the surface of the agar occurs quite often and is acceptable.

    Chocolate glycerol broth for maintenance of Haemophilus influenzae Srikanth NS, Macaden R - Indian J Med Microbiol
  • . influenzae on chocolate agar slope at 35-37°C is a recommended method.
  • . influenzae were plated on two sets of chocolate agar, blood agar streaked with Staphylococcus aureus (satellitism), Dorset egg media slants, chocolate glycerol broth, blood glycerol broth and brain heart infusion glycerol broth.
  • . Daily subcultures were made from the above media onto chocolate agar and incubated at 37°C in a candle jar to determine viability.
  • . influenzae strains were found to be on chocolate agar - 3 days, satellitism plate - 5 days, Dorset egg slants - 7 days, chocolate glycerol broth - 5 weeks, blood glycerol broth - 2 weeks and brain heart influsion glycerol broth - 1 week, at 37°C.

    Seminario del género Haemophilus -
  • . Las especies de Haemophilus dependiente del factor V no crecen generalmente en agar- de rutina en el cual los eritrocitos están intactos.
  • . Pueden usarse que contienen eritrocitos lisados como agar chocolate o agar sangre con 5% de sangre no lisada de caballo o conejo y medio con suplemento de fildes para la recuperación de especies de Haemophilus de muestras clínicas.
  • . Las especies de Haemophilus recuperadas de muestras humanas se identifican en el clínico por la demostración del requerimiento del factor X y V, reacciones hemolíticas en agar-sangre de caballo, de catalasa y oxidasa y mediante la realización de diversas bioquímicas de rutina, que incluyen de indol, actividad de ureasa, actividad de ornitina de decarboxilasa.
  • . Agar chocolate 2.
  • . Agar sangre de Casman y disco de bacitracina de 10 microgramos 4.
  • . Agar de Levinthal o agar de enriquecimiento de fildes 1.
  • . AGAR CHOCOLATE Este puede repararse calentando una base de agar de sangre estéril a una (alrededor de 80ºC) suficientemente alta como para lisar los eritrocitos de carnero y liberar los factores de x y v.

    Chocolate agar - Asan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
  • l l l ( ) > > > > > Product Details visitors: 730 Chocolate agar Features Cultivation of fastidious microorganisms, especially Haemophilus, Neisseria species.

  • Benefits

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    Help for Chocolate agar plate
  • Help for Chocolate agar plate Derek Law Mon Nov 27 10:57:57 EST 2000 Previous message: Next message: Messages sorted by: Chocolate agar is difficult to make and batch to batch variation is very common due to differences in temperature of the medium when blood is added, standing time after adding blood and the way the medium is mixed.
  • . It is possible that the agar is being heated too much during stages 6 and 7, a 2 litre volume of agar takes time to heat up and cool down, potentially exposing the blood to overheating although the temperature used is relatively low.
  • . Derek Law Company Microbiologist LabM Simon Lee <> wrote in message news:8vt87u$fm5$ I want to solve the problem about the chocolate agar palte.
  • . 2L ditilled water + 144 gm GC agar powder 2.
  • . The problem is two One ; there are many sand like particle on the surface and inner side of agar plate.
  • . - I have heard that the problem is stirring during phase 5, 6 ? Is it right ? Two ; the color of chocolate agar palte is too dark Please help me ASAP.

    Help for Chocolate agar plate
  • Help for Chocolate agar plate Tony Stott Wed Nov 29 00:55:25 EST 2000 Previous message: Next message: Messages sorted by: Simon Lee wrote: > > I want to solve the problem about the chocolate agar palte.
  • . 2L ditilled water + 144 gm GC agar powder > 2.
  • . > > The problem is two > One ; there are many sand like particle on the surface and inner side > of agar plate.
  • . - I have heard that the problem is stirring during > phase 5, 6 ? Is it right ? > Two ; the color of chocolate agar palte is too dark > > Please help me ASAP.
  • . This was to pour your plates as normal blood agar plates then place then (media side down) in a 65 degreeC incubator for 1 to 1.5 hours untill they turned brown.

    Vocabulario científico
  • . Agar ANEXOS AGAR SANGRE El agar sangre se prepara a partir de un medio base, el cual se le añade sangre, lo que permite aislar y cultivar organismos fastidiosos y exigentes.
  • . AGAR AZIDA-SANGRE La base de agar sangre y azida es un medio para el descubrimiento y aislamiento de estreptococos y estafilococos a partir de deposiciones, aguas residuales, alimento y otras fuentes de flora mixta.
  • . AGAR DNasa El agar para el test DNasa se emplea para determinar la actividad de desoxirribunuleasa de microorganismos como estafilococos potencialmente patógenos, y para el aislamiento de y diferenciación de Serratia marcescens de los que no producen DNasa.La actividad de la DNasa se muestra inundando las placas con HCl 0, 1N los microorganismos que degradan el DNA dan unas zonas transparentes alrededor de las estrías, y los que no producían DNasa no mostraban ninguna transparencia.
  • . AGAR MANITOL SALADO (AMS) El alto contenido de sal suprime el crecimiento de la mayoría de otras bacterias que son estafilococos.

    All About Agar
  • All About Agar Background Information With its distinctive smell, one can easily distinguish agar from the other materials commonly found in a laboratory.
  • . Chemically, agar is a polymer made up of subunits of the sugar galactose, and is a component of the cell walls of several species of red algae that are usually harvested in eastern Asia and California.
  • . Dissolved in boiling water and cooled, laboratory agar looks gelatinous.
  • . Although agar's chief use is as a culture medium for various microorganisms, particularly for bacteria, its other less well-known uses include serving as a thickening for soups and sauces, in jellies and ice cream, in cosmetics, for clarifying beverages, and for sizing fabrics.
  • . (1) One might ask why agar, as opposed to regular gelatin (like that found in Jello), is used for culturing bacteria.
  • . The answer is agar, unlike gelatin, won't be degraded (eaten) by bacteria.
  • . Also, agar is firmer and stronger than gelatin.
  • . It's still possible, however, to use gelatin as a culture medium for bacteria if agar is unavailable.


    Micro Lab Notebook

  • . Materials : Neisseria lactamica culture BAP and Chocolate agar plates Oxidase & Catalase reagents Nasal culture (sterile swab needed) I.
  • . from the normal flora on each of BAP and Chocolate agar plates.
  • . MATERIALS: Bacterial colonies from nasal or oropharyngeal swab culture growing on Chocolate Agar Plates (CA) Oxidase reagents Sterile toothpicks Neisseria culture and an unknown culture PROCEDURES: Pick a colony for testing using a sterile wooden toothpick.
  • . These fastidious organisms require specially enriched culture media such as chocolate agar and microaerophilic conditions of incubation.
  • . Culture on both BAP and chocolate agar (heated blood agar), with growth only on the chocolate agar is characteristic of the Haemophilus group organisms.
  • . The use of blood agar also allows differentiation of H .
  • . CULTURE OF Haemophilus SPECIES MATERIALS REQUIRED : Haemophilus influenzae 2 BAP plates Haemophilus parainfluenzae 2 Chocolate agar plates Streak blood agar and chocolate agar plates with each species.

    BD - Diagnostic Systems: Chocolate Agar Base (GC Medium)
  • . You are here: › › › › › Chocolate Agar Base (GC Medium) Product Center Chocolate Agar Base (GC Medium) Cat# Desc.
  • . Unit 228920 Chocolate Agar Base (GC Medium) 2 kg EA Catalog # Description Brand Quantity Unit 228920 Chocolate Agar Base (GC Medium) Use with Hemoglobin or Hemoglobin 2%, Antimicrobic Vial CNV or CNVT, Supplement A, B, C or VX.

    Comparison of Media for the Isolation of Haemophilus species from Cases of Seasonal Conjunctivitis Associated with Severe Endemic Trachoma
  • . Of 89 children tested, IsoVitaleX-supplemented chocolate agar yielded Haemophilus in 87%, plain chocolate agar in 75%, sheep blood agar with a stab of Staphylococcus epidermidis in 74%, and Fildes medium in 58%.
  • . Since other microbial pathogens are easily identified in the modified blood agar, it was the most useful single medium.

    Chocolate agar - definition from
  • | Chocolate agar Quick Links: [ ] [ ] [ ] chocolate agar heated until the or chocolate in, used especially to Haemophilus or .

    CLIA Corner
  • . Nccls Interim Revision Still Effective For Chocolate Agar Quality Control In July 2000, NCCLS sent a memorandum to users of the NCCLS Infobase concerning the problems encountered with chocolate agar plates and an important revision of the relevant NCCLS standard, M22-A2: Quality Assurance for Commercially Prepared Microbiological Culture Media--Second Edition; Approved Standard .
  • . The memorandum stated the following: "Because of a low failure rate in the past, chocolate agar was exempted from routing user testing in M22-A2, published in December 1996.
  • . However, at almost the same time, performance problems with chocolate agar plates from a major manufacturer were recognized.
  • . Routine quality control testing for chocolate agar includes checking the sterility and ability to support growth of each new batch or shipment of plates. @CallCenter